Waiting for a lady…………………………

As the world reacts to former President Trump’s criminal conviction (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-us-canada-69069142) the Daily Express has reported upon the former First Lady Melania Trump née Knavs (https://www.express.co.uk/news/us/1905641/melania-trump-donald-guilty-barron-new-york-hush-money-trial).

The campaigns of both of the two main parties (the Democrats and the Republicans) are anxiously awaiting the results of poll indications about how the “floating voters” are going to react. Will many previously prepared to vote for Trump now change their mind in the light of his criminal conviction?

It is this that causes the Daily Express report to be relevant.

You see, many US voters will take into account just how Mrs Trump (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melania_Trump) will react. Her husband vociferously denied the claims made (under oath) by Ms Stormy Daniels. Since Ms Daniels is claiming one thing and this is being flatly contradicted by Mr Trump, only one of these persons can be telling the truth. The question is: Which one?

NB: Defence lawyers have stated that Mr Trump did not help his case by maintaining that the claims made by Ms Daniels were false. This because whether or not the claims were true or false was not directly of relevance to the defence case and in fact Mr Trump’s intransigence on makiing his denials did not help his defence.

Now, lawyers will advise all who wish to listen that whether or not the activities Ms Daniels testified to took place is not the crux of the legal case. However, they do form the crux of a political case. You see, if Mr Trump was able to provide some form of evidence to disprove what Ms Daniels said in court the situation – for Ms Daniels and Mr Trump changes utterly.

This because the trial Mr Trump faces that is the “big one” is the trial before the American public (acting as voters not jurors) on Tuesday, November 5th 2024!

Were the claims of Ms Daniels to be shown to be false, then not only would this have an effect for Ms Daniels and Mr Trump, it would have a dramatic effect on the prospects (for re-election) for Mr Biden and Ms Harris as well!

For now, one will have to wait and see………


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