…………virtually all scientists […………] now agree on the current causes of climate change…………

One of the most satisfying things – dependent upon the side you are on – is to experience or witness an “own goal”!

Well, it appears that Britain’s Brainwashing Commissariat has done just that with the text copied and pasted from it’s website below:

But wasn’t it warmer in the past?

There have been several hot periods during the Earth’s past.

Around 92 million years ago, for example, temperatures were so high that there were no polar ice caps and crocodile-like creatures lived as far north as the Canadian Arctic.

That should not comfort anyone, however, because humans were not around. At times in the past, sea level was 25m (80ft) higher than the present. A rise of 5-8m (16-26ft) is considered enough to submerge most of the world’s coastal cities.

There is abundant evidence for mass extinctions of life during these periods. And climate models suggest that, at times, the tropics could have become “dead zones”, too hot for most species to survive.

These fluctuations between hot and cold have been caused by a variety of phenomena, including the way the Earth wobbles as it orbits the Sun over long periods, volcanic eruptions and short-term climate cycles such as El Niño.

For many years, groups of so-called climate “sceptics” have cast doubt on the scientific basis of global warming.

However, virtually all scientists who publish regularly in peer-reviewed journals now agree on the current causes of climate change.

A key UN report released in 2021 said it “is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, oceans and land”.

Source: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-58954530

What the BBC is relying on is the tried and tested statements about “scientists” declaring “virtually all” of them agree mentioning the phrase “peer-reviewed journals” and of course the authority of the United Nations stating that the evidence is “unequivocal”.

Be in NO doubt: This tactic works! The majority of “ordinary people” who have not made a study of this and are just getting on with their own lives accept this. People still defer to experts and professionals. For the average person, if a cardiologist tells them that they have to cut down on fatty foods and loose weight, they will accept this. Complying with the advice will not be 100% but they won’t argue with a cardiologist!

There is a LOT of common sense at work here!

I myself was given this advice back in 2013 and I have tried to comply with it!

This is why so many green campaigners will immediately counter any assertion they disagree with by questioning the authority, expertise and qualifications of the person making a statement they disagree with. If you have never been asked the question, “Are you a scientist?” you have never stuck your head over the parapet!

The one thing that will be the undoing of the “Green Agenda” will be the same thing that cases me to occasionally buy deep fried fish & chips from a chippy: Compliance! Or the lack thereof!

When “going green” and pursuing the economically suicidal “Net Zero” policy becomes too painful, people will protest. We are already witnessing this with people complaining about their rapidly escalation electricity bills!

Mainstream politicians like “Liz Trussed up like a Christmas Turkey” will at first try to ameliorate the citizenry’s suffering by throwing cash at the problem. However it will be very quickly apparent that this is simply unaffordable! The only policy that will work is to reverse course!

One thought on “…………virtually all scientists […………] now agree on the current causes of climate change…………

  1. And to the question, ‘are you a scientist’ the answer has to be, ‘no more qualified than Greta Thunburg, that the MSM, governments, WEF, the world and his wife bow down to in accepting everything she spouts and demands, without question’.

    Recently saw an article (can’t find it now) of over a thousand qualified scientists who have signed a declaration that all this global warming scaremongering, is a monumental lie. Seems to be like the Great Barrington Declaration (over a million signatures), that took the Covid pandemic apart and that we are now seeing the truth of their propositions laid bare.
    Their advice was the same as what Sweden did and, despite their high death numbers at first, in the final analysis, they had less per head of population than us. At the same time did not inflict the financial, health and educational disaster on their country that we will endure for many years to come.
    The most interesting comment I heard in the whole of the time of Covid, was an interview with the Swedish Minister for Health, say that they were following the plan for dealing with a pandemic that was laid down by the UNITED KINGDOM!

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