Timed Out!

Above, Gene Kelly with Singin’ in the Rain courtesy of Warner Bros. Entertainment.

Yesterday’s BG post (https://british-gazette.com/information-is-key/) drew attention to stock market and the inability to see into the future. Little did I know that I was about to make a most splendid example of this for the post was uploaded at a quarter to one (BST) and four and a half hours later at a quarter past five (BST), the PM announces a general election for 4th July!

Modern elections are television spectacles and feature certain images and occurrences that go onto define and symbolise them. The Unfortunate Sunak’s drenching by the elements of a British May will now be immortalised in the journalistic annals of British politics.

What will also be immortalised is the uninvited, unwanted and unwarranted contribution by a certain Mr Bray (https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/steve-bray-rishi-sunak-protest-dream-downing-street-b1159661.html).

IMHO Bray is a self entitled arrogant bore. This objectionable man represents the ultimate in self entitled “I’m going to do “my thing” and/or “say my piece” and “stuff you mate”!

Bray was quoted as saying: “I didn’t do it for Labour. I did it because it was the top trolling song for the Conservatives.”

Responding to complaints that people could not hear the speech in Downing Street because of his protest, Mr Bray said: “Look at the damage Sunak’s done to the country. “If they couldn’t hear the speech, it’s still reported. They’ll know what he said.”

Let us fact FACTS: This obnoxious individual is his own worst enemy! He actually convicts himself by his own statements. He actually admits to trolling. As for his justification he uses the classic; the means is justified by the cause.

Now, heckling is one thing. Heckling a politician especially in a campaign is a traditional manner of discourse and protest in these islands and long may it continue. But by drowning out the Prime Minister’s formal announcement of a General Election, Bray was not heckling. He was interrupting an important constitutional event. That is unacceptable and it is an abuse perpetrated against the entire electorate and the citizens of this country who are entitled to listen to this formal announcement without interference! Thus it was that Bray was not only attacking the Conservatives, he was attacking all of us.

Of course Bray will be completely unapologetic. The man is not alone of course. The equally obnoxious “Just Stop Oil” protesters are even worse! These self entitled criminals (they commit criminal damage) are a public nuisance. These individuals again are their own worst enemy! They infuriate the vast majority of British people!

I am very much afraid to say that I am as pessimistic as my friend Dr. Richard North who opines upon the present situation in his latest blog-post: https://www.turbulenttimes.co.uk/news/front-page/politics-no-good-outcome/.

The mainstream media and the realm of “social media” are of course awash with speculations aout why the Unfortunate Sunak chose the 4th July 2024 when in fact he could have run out the clock until 28th January 2025!

Of course, only the Unfortunate Sunak knows!

There has been speculation that up to 26 Tories were going to defect over the coming weeks or months which would have made the Unfortunate Sunak’s position untenable. They there were rumours of a plot to overthrown him so he made it go away by calling the GE. Another commentator has suggested that the Sunak family might be preparing to relocate to California where a new employment opportunity awaits. Californian schools start in August and this will enable his daughters to transfer from the English school system to the Californian school system. Then there is the latest sabre rattling by President Putin. IF the Unfortunate Sunak is in possession of intelligence that indicates matters may become let us say, “very bad”, then as a family man one can fully understand why he might seek to relocate his loved ones to a safer location.

All we can do is to wait and see.

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