The stupid are ever with us!

When doing a blog-post I like to keep the size of the image below £100K. Whilst in October 2009 this was crucial to enable the page to load without too much difficulty in 2025 the technology allows for much larger images. Even so, I like to keep to the 100k figure. The image for today’s post is more than double the limit. It is an image that makes the point I am wanting to make:

Stupidity abounds ladies and gentlemen! Adults – of an age where common sense and life experience should inform them otherwise do, say and think stupid things!

The image of the elderly man – in his seventies judging by his physiognomy – with a body that could only be possessed by a man decades younger – forms an online advert for a company promoting products to men of retirement age to well, emulate the imaginary man in their advert!

Ridiculous! Such is impossible – physiologically.

But of course, people believe what they want to believe!

Which is why we have politicians in the mainstream parties determined to have the UK’s electricity produced from sustainable, renewable “zero carbon” sources!

This has resulted in manufacturing industry deserting the UK for locations where electricity is more affordable and delivered in greater quantity!

Then there is the dystopian reality of a Labour government – yes, a Labour government – pursuing a transport policy that will result in removing the freedom that is personal car transport from ordinary working people bringing about a situation that will mean that only the affluent well to do upper and upper middle classes will have personal car transport. In order words, Two Tier Keir’s – aka Comrade Starmer’s – Labour government want to recreate in 2030 the situation that pertained in 1930 – that working and lower middle class people could not afford motor cars and had to rely on public transport – which in those days was in plentiful supply!

And why?

Supposedly to reduce the emissions of a harmless gas (CO2)!

The FACTS are these: Right now, there is a lot going on which we are not being told about!

At this point readers will not be surprised if I make mention of the infamous LGM (little green men) – you know – the ones who are not little, not green and not men!

Well, here are some more FACTS!

One of the nearest stars to our Sun, Proxima Centauri (just over 4 light years away) has a planet orbiting it which is rocky and is about 1.25 the mass of Earth. It is within the star’s habitable zone. Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf star which means that it’s habitable zone is much closer due to the lower energy output. Red dwarfs like this are longer living than our Sun but from time to time produce gigantic flares and coronal mass ejections which can strip the atmosphere from a planet – if that atmosphere is not very thick.

The planet in question is so close that it is tidally locked to it’s star. This means that does not rotate – one side is permanently facing the star and the other side is permanently facing away. On one side the temperature is very high and always daylight and on the other side the temperature is very low and always night.

NB: A light source has been detected on the dark side and the evidence points to a large artificial creation such as a city. Furthermore, radio signals of an artificial nature have been detected.

Some people think that this is evidence that this planet has evolved intelligent life. Personally, I do not think so. The planet may be in the habitable zone of a long lived star but the tidal lock and the gigantic flares and coronal mass ejections would suggest that life – intelligent life let alone a civilisation – would have developed on this planet. However: It is perfectly feasible that a space faring advanced extra-terrestrial civilisation could have made a base on the planet. The obvious place would be on the dark side!

So there you have it!

Evidence of an alien civilisation more than probably alien to that planet just over 4 light years away from us.

Something our politicians do not like to discuss with us!

I wonder why?

Happy New Year!

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