WARNING: This blog-post contains material of an adult nature. It is NOT intended for persons under the age of 18 to view. Please adjust the filter settings on your browser accordingly if your circumstances require this.
Ukraine and the Trump administration’s initiative is the current front page news. For those wishing to read further on this topic I would recommend the blog-post of my friend, Dr. Richard North today (https://www.turbulenttimes.co.uk/news/front-page/ukraine-the-smog-of-peace/).
The image above is an imaginary image found on the internet. I use it to illustrate what will more than likely be technically possible in a couple of decades time – and possibly before this.
Along with such as Mr Elon Musk developing robots to replace humans in the world of respectable morally upright employment there are others who are developing machines that are intended to perform not respectable, immoral and disreputable activities.
Referring back for a moment (because it is germane to this blog-post) to the European security issue, Vice President Vance got himself in a lot of Bavarian hot water recently when he drew attention to the increasingly authoritarian tendencies of nations that call themselves western European democracies.
In a free society there are laws against behaviour and conduct that it is deemed necessary to criminalise. An obvious example is theft. In the 1950s it was also considered right and proper to criminalise sexual activity between consenting adult males. Those who campaigned for decriminalisation of these activities were roundly condemned by many.
The level of authoritarianism in a society is judged by the extent it criminalises actions and behaviours it finds unacceptable. For instance in Afghanistan women are forbidden to walk in public spaces without Islamic coverings.
Now in the future (between 2035 and 2045) machines such as the imaginary one illustrated at the top of this post are likely to be available to rent/lease/purchase by those persons so interested in doing so – in countries where this is legally permissible. The machine will be able to converse with it’s owner and move in the manner of a human being. The machine will be designed and constructed to enable the male owner to perform sexual acts upon the machine. Now to most normal and reasonable persons the idea that a person would acquire a machine such as above for the purposes of their sexual gratification is disgusting. There is no argument about this whatsoever. It’s a given!
What is NOT a given is whether or not possession of such a machine – and inter-alia the use of it for sexual activity – should be criminalised. Should such men be arrested, charged, convicted in the courts and should they receive fines, community service orders or custodial sentences? Should they be placed on the Sexual Offenders Register?
It may well be the case that a certain Professor Kathleen Richardson (https://www.dmu.ac.uk/about-dmu/academic-staff/technology/kathleen-richardson/kathleen-richardson.aspx) may think so.
Professor Richardson has long campaigned (https://campaignagainstsexrobots.org/) & (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkgbTYHVdrA) for the criminalisation of such machines for several years now – long before the time when they are technically feasible.
I have no doubt that were such machines available today, Professor Richardson would be able to persuade such as Sir Keir Starmer to legislate as she would wish.
My opinion?
If individuals wish to purchase such machines the law should allow it but ONLY on the basis that suitable insurance is attached with the machine.
Because if a man wishes to use such a machine in the way it’s manufacturers have intended there are certain tasks, as regards hygiene, that the man would have to do to ensure that he does not become ill.
You see, I am firmly of the opinion that the average British person whilst justifiably regarding such individuals with contempt and disdain, would not go as far as seeing these reprobates prosecuted; but I am absolutely certain that whilst they are prepared to see their taxes go towards the treatment of people who fall ill through no fault or their own – they are NOT prepared to see their taxes go towards treating such individuals for infections they have incurred through their own vices!