The Return of the Prodigal Son!

Above, Pompeo Batoni’s famous 1773 masterpiece, “The Return of the Prodigal Son” in the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.

Today, had she had lived, would have been my mother’s 104th birthday. “Mum” married “Dad” in 1954 as his 2nd wife, “Dad” being a widower, his first wife Kathleen having died of an illness.

Mother was what during my childhood was called a “housewife”. The PC term nowadays is “home-maker”. “Dad” was the sole “breadwinner” but “Mum” had an occupation, albeit unpaid. This was as a Methodist lay preacher. Consequently as a child I found myself – involuntarily – a member of the congregation on a Sunday in numerous chapels in and near Leeds in the West Riding of Yorkshire.

I was baptised into the Methodist Church and my parents diligently and faithfully discharged their baptismal vows they made in terms of bringing me up in the Christian faith. The result is that I am familiar with number of “Bible stories”. One of the Parables of Jesus I am familiar with is to be found in Luke (15:11–32):

I relate the above as a Clarksonesque “off topic” introduction as today’s blog-post is a follow on from yesterday’s (

Mr Trump’s remarks relating to Greenland, the Panama canal and Canada’s incorporation into the USA has naturally brought forth much alarmist and indignant comment from all the usual suspects!

Of course, Mr Trump has “form”! He delights in throwing diplomatic pebbles into the pond of world politics to observe the flurry of unsettled wildlife around said pond!

However, be under no illusion: This is NOT just an example of idle trivial pursuit on Mr Trump’s part! Mr Trump has sent a clear message that he intends to do what he and his “MAGA” supporters have repeatedly stated – that is to “make America great again”!

Some commentators that form part of the gaggle of the deeply offended have had visions of US Army Abrams tanks rolling across the Canadian prairies or of US Army airborne troops parachuting into Greenland’s Kangerlussuaq airport or the US Marine Corps making an amphibious assault on Panama City!

Err…… Nope!

It is clear that the map of North America I “Photoshopped” that forms the image at the top of yesterday’s post is something that Mr Trump – and many of his MAGA supporters would like to see! However, NONE of them envisage a military conquest of Canada!

You will recall Dear Reader that on more than one occasion before the November 2024 Presidential election, I made the comment that this was going to be an election that would have a deep and long lasting impact on British politics!

Clearly, this prediction is and has come to pass! Indeed, Mr Trump’s actions and statements before his inauguration demonstrate why Two Tier Keir sent his Labour activists across the pond to assist the Harris campaign. This because Two Tier realised just how prejudicial a Trump victory would be to Two Tier’s policies! This is why he threw caution to the wind and sent Labour activists to directly participate in a US election!

With Mr Trump’s statement that European NATO countries should up their defence expenditure to 5% of GDP it is clear that Mr Trump seeks to reposition the USA’s strategic outlook. This statement must be viewed in the light of Mr Trump’s repeated statements about how he will settle the Russia Ukraine conflict quickly.

You see, Mr Trump is a very transactional human being. He offers something on the basis that he wants something in return!

In other words, expect him to offer President Putin what President Putin realistically wants: Annexation of the Ukrainian oblasts he has set his eyes on.

In return Mr Trump will require things from President Putin. First and foremost Mr Trump will require President Putin to reverse course on his policy of not using the US$ for Russia’s foreign trade. Furthermore, Mr Trump will require Mr Putin’s active co-operation and support in prevailing upon the other “BRICS” states (Brazil, India, China and South Africa) to abandon their policy of seeking to displace the US $ as the world’s reserve currency!

Be in NO DOUBT: This is the the item that will be at the top of Mr Trump’s “to do” list on 21st January 2025!


Because in threatening to displace the US $ from it’s post 1944 position as the world’s reserve currency the BRICS nations fundamentally threaten US prosperity and it’s ability to pay it’s sovereign debt!

Clearly, it will not just require Mr Putin’s co-operation to establish this state of affairs! Therefore more must be offered! Expect Mr Trump to make deals with Brazil and India as well! So, what do Brazil and India want? What thing could Mr Trump offer the governments of these countries?

I would suggest Permanent Membership (with veto) of the United Nations Security Council!

Now the issue of the membership of the Security Council has been a much discussed topic for a long time now! Expanding the number of Permanent Members requires a new UN Treaty which is the reason why things have remained unchanged since 1945! Getting the nations of the world to agree on something makes the task of herding cats seem easy!

Now readers will recall China’s inclusion as a Permanent Member of the Security Council. This did NOT require a treaty change. This because China was a Permanent Member of the Security Council from 1945. This because China was represented by the Nationalist Chinese administration on Taiwan! What happened was that Taiwan was forced to resign it’s seat and allow the “Red China” to take their place!

Therefore expect France and the UK to be forced to resign their seats to allow Brazil and India to take their places!

This is why Labour politicians are suggesting that the UK quits it’s membership of the 5Is intelligence sharing with the USA. Expect the Labour government to radically reset the UK’s relationship with the EU!

Many “Remoaners” moaned that the EU was “fed up” with the UK and would not want anything to do with it!


However, don’t expect the UK to rejoin the EU! Expect however the UK and EU to agree that the agreement relating to Northern Ireland be extended to cover Great Britain as well! Thus the UK will become a vassal state of the EU!

This can be done with a simple act of the UK Parliament!

I expect NATO to collapse or if not collapse completely to be re-organised as a shadow of it’s former self and with Article 5 discarded.

You see, possessing the security of having the world’s reserve currency and being freed from the hugely expensive commitment to defend Europe against Russian attack, Mr Trump will have the financial resources to achieve what he wants to achieve!

You see, Mr Trump will set about his Imperialist expansionist agenda with a weapon he is very familiar with: The cheque [check] book!

Let us start with Greenland: For Greenland to become a US State the following steps have to be taken:

#1: Greenland must become independent.

#2: An independent Greenland must hold a referendum on the question of Greenland remaining an independent state or becoming a state of the USA.

Now many Europeans will suggest that the result of such a referendum will be a foregone conclusion! That Greenlanders will overwhelmingly vote to remain an independent state!

You see, this is where the cheque book comes in! Doubtless Mr Trump will offer Greenlanders (every man, woman and child) a large sum of money tax free should Greenland decide to become the 51st State of the Union!

Now of course many well to do middle class political activists will indignantly reject such an offer that will be called a bribe!

However: Many voters are not rich and would very much need the money! Were the offer made on the basis that US Citizenship would be offered on the basis that the Greenlanders would be dual nationals possessing Danish citizenship they would be free to leave Greenland and resettle anywhere in the EU should they wish.

Now seeking to buy the votes of Greenlanders would not drain the coffers of the US Treasury too much. However offering to buy the votes of the voters in the Canadian provinces of Manitoba (MB), Saskatchewan (SK), Alberta (AB), British Columbia (BC) along with the territories of Yukon (YT), Northwest Territories (NT) and Nunavut (NU) would!!!!

Therefore expect any “financial inducement” to be in two forms:

#1: The cash element: A “tax free” lump sum to be paid shortly after formal incorporation in the USA.

#2: A “tax holiday” for a period (possibly 10 years) allowing these new citizens to avoid all US Federal taxes!

You see, back in the UK in 1832 many politicians strenuously objected to the concept of the “secret ballot”. They argued (correctly) that a man would be able to vote for a candidate and avoid any opprobrium that could attach to such a vote were it known!

You see, if these things come about, many Greenlanders and Canadians would vote for inclusion in the USA because they need/want the money but would NOT admit to voting that way. In fact, if asked many would lie through their teeth! Because the average person does NOT want to be despised by their neighbours!

For those Canadians residing in the affected provinces again the offer of dual citizenship would likely apply. Thus many might take the money and emigrate to the rump of Canada remaining.

Will I mourn the UK’s loss of PM status?

Not really. This because it will strip away any justification for UK politicians to loyally follow the dictates of the UN! Thus the necessary abandonment of the lunatic policy that is “Net Zero” and the repeal of the 2010 Climate Change Act and subsequent related legislation will be made easier.

Furthermore, the humiliation of Two Tier Starmer will be immense!

This humiliation will be made much worse by the UK being forced to treat with Argentina to cede the Falkland Islands!

Ironically, this is ONE place that will allow person now in the UK to regain their now lost freedom of speech!

You see, Argentina will offer full citizenship to any British resident who wishes to remain on the Falkland Islands. Furthermore, they will be able to retain their British Citizenship.

However, since they will be henceforth resident in the Islas Malvinas, they will be outside of the jurisdiction of the UK police and the long arm of Two Tier Keir so they will be free to post what they like on “social media”!

You see, Argentina is a multi-party democracy that respects free speech now!

Unlike the UK!

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