The morning after the night before!

‘Twas to be expected wasn’t it?

Chris Mason, the BBC’s Political Editor put it succinctly: “Labour’s majority is a mile wide and an inch deep.” The BG congratulates and thanks Mr Mason for using British weights and measures and not coming out with such as “a kilometre wide and a centimetre deep”!

This was one of two important statements made during the BBC’s TV coverage of the election.

The other came from the famous/infamous Alastair Campbell – Blair’s “Downing Street Director of Communications and Strategy” who spoke words of wisdom – and truth – commenting upon the rain in Downing Street leading up to the arrival of the UK’s new Prime Minister, Sir Keir Starmer.

The Labour spin meister told the BBC’s viewers; “that you can’t do anything about the weather…..”

Unfortunately Sir Keir’s likely “Climate Change Secretary” Ed’ Idiot Miliband believes otherwise!

The BBC’s website itself gives the FACTS behind Labour’s landslide: a section of which lists the vast difference betwixt the numbers of seats each political party won and their individual vote shares!

No greater articulation could more eloquently be put to shame the UK’s outdated and discredited “First Past the Post” electoral system which on the other side of the pond is called the “Two Party” system – because it only works properly with two parties!

Here is a simple straightforward FACT: In campaigning the way they did and voting the way they did, Reform UK and it’s supporters have demonstrated beyond peradventure just how unsuitable the UK’s way of deciding who governs it has become.

Of course, Sir Keir and his Labourites will ignore completely and will persist in their arrogance believing that a 34% of the votes cast entitles them to rule as they wish.

Sir Keir will get away with this only so long as not divisive policies are implemented!

The trouble is that the Labour base is now possessed of a curious latter day woke puritanism which is as determinedly as intolerant as it’s 16th Century predecessor in prosecuting – literally as well as figuratively – in making sure that certain attitudes held by certain citizens when expressed online or elsewhere are stamped out and cracked down upon!

The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the way the new Modern Police Force (sorry Service) – the successor to Cromwell’s “New Modern Army” cracks down hard on reprobates and recidivists who have the effrontery and temerity to sit on a park bench for too long tor who have travelled a little too far in their vehicle to walk their dog at a beauty spot!

Meanwhile these paragons of this 21st Century version of the Biblical zealot are only too keen to “turn a blind eye” and “look the other way” when an offender (from a certain set of demographics) shoplifts on the grand scale using a supermarket trolley to make off with their stolen items!

A number of unfortunate individuals have already earned the ire of these new martinets who have had the effrontery and temerity to do such scandalous things as to use their smart phone to publicise a mass of Palestinian flags on a British high street accompanied with words such as “….it doesn’t look like England to me…..”! Making such an outrageous (in the view of these enforcers) merits them going to the miscreant’s home, arresting him, handcuffing him and then transporting him to a police station where he is questioned for several hours and then released!

Of course, these enforcers were not going to charge him with an offence for the simple reason that no offence was committed!

You see, the process is the punishment!

Remember – these actions above have been carried out under a Tory government!

How much worse can Labour be?

We will soon find out!

Meanwhile, many Tories have lost their day jobs and many will be looking to GB News to employ them!

The directors of GB News will be spoilt for choice!

Notwithstanding her woke tendencies, expect Penny Mordaunt to be enquiring.

The Rt. Hon. Esther McVey, still the Member for Tatton might well have had her copybook tarnished by the actions of her husband Sir Philip Davies formerly the Member for Shipley who has found himself embroiled in a little local difficulty with a turf accountant!

Meanwhile the Old Etonian the Rt. Hon. Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg will soon be making his way back to the studios of GB News.

Then of course we have the unfortunate Mary Elizabeth Truss, the shortest-serving prime minister in British history and the former Member South West Norfolk.

Mrs Hugh O’Leary may well be looking for employment but she might be looking elsewhere as she is what the press describe as “a big beast”.

You see, Liz might have set her sights on opportunities on the other side of the pond!

Having observed the travails of the cognitively challenged octogenarian Washington DC resident (Address 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20500) a certain Joseph Biden in the hope that another US gentleman who himself has his own set of challenges (mostly with the US Criminal Justice system) will replace Mr Biden in January 2025.

Maybe Liz is hoping for a new job in Washington DC – possibly replacing Kristalina Georgieva the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund!

Re-elected as US President, Mr Trump would effectively have this in his gift!

Mr Trump was most unhappy with the demonstrations left wing activists made during his visit to “England” and might think that appointing Liz to this position would upset Ms Reeves!

Liz will of course be aware that the cause of her nemesis is now the Member for Clacton – a certain Nigel Farage! Liz will also be aware that if Reform UK copies the behaviour of the Brexit Party and of UKIP then things might look rosier in 2029! After all these three parties are made up from many of the same people! And these people, like leopards do not change their spots!

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