The canary down the coal mine.

The case of the lady arrested in relation to the misinformation relating to the Southport murders has drawn the attention of the press such as the BBC ( and subsequent comment by such as my friend, Dr. North (

For this blog-post, I am not going to duplicate text that can be read in the aforementioned links. Instead, I suggest that the lady has taken on the figurative role of the canary down the coal mine.

For those unaware of the use of canaries in mines, it is an allusion to caged canaries that miners would carry down into the mine tunnels with them. If dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide collected in the mine, the gases would kill the canary before killing the miners, thus providing a warning to exit the mine immediately.

The figurative other canary down the coal mine is not a human but a Parliamentary Bill – the much commented about “Islamophobia” Bill/Act.

In his statements, Keir Jong Starmer is clearly seeking to improve relations between some members of the Muslim community and Labour following differences of opinion in relation to the conflict in the Middle East. This disagreement resulted in the election of four independent MPs plus the independent MP Jeremy Corbyn (

I would not be surprised if – with the exception of Mr Corbyn – the Labour Party are trying to encourage these independent MPs to join the Labour Party and accept the Labour whip. It would be highly likely they would be offered positions on the greasy pole of politics. I am sure that “Islamophobia” Bill/Act would form part of such discussions.

IF Keir Jong Starmer persists with this proposed legislation then – depending on it’s contents – the legislation would have very very far reaching consequences for the UK and it’s citizens.

The extent of these consequences will be determined by a number of factors, some of which will be outside the control of Keir Jong Starmer or any other UK politician for that matter.

A particular date that Keir Jong Starmer should put in his diary is Bonfire Night – Tuesday 5th November 2024! Popularly known as “Bonfire Night” in the UK, the decision of US voters as to who will occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue after Monday 20th January 2025 will be crucial to the direction of travel for the UK Labour government. Crucial also will be the unfolding of the legislative timetable in the UK. IF the UK Labour government puts it’s “Islamophobia” legislation into effect on or before Monday 20th January 2025 then it’s passing might have significant consequences for the UK depending on which person is inaugurated as the new POTUS.

IF it is Kamala Harris, Keir Jong Starmer should not be too concerned. If however it is Donald Trump, Keir Jong Starmer should be VERY concerned.

This because such legislation might – depending upon it’s provisions – result in many people being arrested, charged, convicted and imprisoned. This would very likely result in serious consequences for relations between the UK and USA.

For decades, British politicians have talked about the “Special Relationship” between the UK and the USA. Should things develop as they might, Keir Jong Starmer might be faced with having to accept the termination of the “Special Relationship”! This could have serious consequences for the UK.

I will not speculate further.

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