The British Gazette: A Damascene conversion.

Above, an illumination depicting Paul’s conversion, from Livre d’Heures d’Étienne Chevalier (c. 1450–1460), a book of hours by Jean Fouquet now in the Château de Chantilly.
Up to now, your Editor and this organ have been fervent supporter’s of the general line taken by the EuroRealist cadre on the subject of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.
On the basic issue of the governance of the UK, readers will doubtless be pleased to note: NO CHANGE.
HOWEVER: On the subject of method we have changed. It has come to our attention that withdrawal from the Single Market is not practical in the TWO YEAR time scale imposed by Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty which would be the method the UK would have to use to leave the EU.
Detailed reasons for this change of view can be found on the blog, EUReferendum complied and managed by the learned Doctor Richard North – a fellow Yorkshireman.
We would suggest all readers pay EUReferendum a visit:

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