The BG is thirteen today!

When launched thirteen years ago on Wednesday 21st October 2009, the world was a very different place. How things have changed!

I launched it on Trafalgar Day and took the domain name “British Gazette” to ensure that I had editorial control of what went up on such a website instead of certain individuals and organisations that the PC brigade like to describe as “far right”.

Notwithstanding this, the BG is in no way a “woke” site!

Herewith the Royal Navy’s web-page commemorating Trafalgar Day:

Since 2009 the BG has often posted links to Doctor Richard North’s blog and it does so again today:

À propos of the October Tory leadership election (as opposed to the September Tory leadership election) there is (understandably) much concern amongst Tories about Labour’s gargantuan poll lead and their nightmares about loosing heavily at a general election (assuming it were to take place in a couple of months) coming true.

Should what Sir Ed “Humbug” Davey wishes comes about (unlikely as Tories, like Turkeys do not vote for an early Christmas) there is much commentary about the Tory party being wiped out and no longer around. This would clearly not be the case however. This is because there are many local councils (and the devolved administrations) which currently have Tory members. Now, let us suppose there was to be an election on Thursday 1st December 2022. The local elections are due on Thursday 4th May 2023.

I agree with Doctor North’s analysis today and would beg to suggest that were the Tories faced with a General Election following the hypothetical scenario of a new leader of the Conservative Party who was other than Boris Johnson being faced with the prospect of the King refusing to accept Mrs O’Leary’s resignation as PM and instead dissolving Parliament and calling a General Election – an action that since the Act of Union 1801 has always been carried out by the monarch acting on the Prime Minister’s advice.

Personally I think this unlikely as it would be an act of enormity by the new monarch and were Sir Humphrey Appleby GCB, GCVO, KBE, MA (Oxon) His Majesty’s Private Secretary he would advise His Majesty that he was taking a “very courageous decision”!

Paradoxically were the Tories forced into a general election with Parliament dissolved in November it would be in their long term interests! This because Labour governing with a landslide of unprecedented proportions would find itself in very very great difficulty. Why?

Two reasons:

The pursuit of Net Zero: Labour is even more determined to pursue this economically suicidal course than the Tories.

Huge landslides bring about huge problems! Were the Tories consigned to third place in the Commons – behind the SNP they would not be His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition.

With the SNP as the official opposition and with Labour members occupying both sides of the chamber (due to the numbers of MPs) Sir Keir would find out that managing a party with a colossal majority brings with it it’s own problems. He would discover that the opposition to the government would come from his own benches as well as opposition members. Labour’s position would be made worse by the SNP who would not act in a proper role of official opposition merely concerning them with matters that affect Scotland. That would mean that Labour would in effect have to provide it’s own opposition! Party discipline would be hard to maintain.

The Tories would be able to recover somewhat from their near “wipe out” as by May 2023 the effects of the Ukraine War and the results of “de carbonisation” would have been felt by millions of Britons that winter in the form of blackouts.

The local elections would allow the Tories to maintain elected politicians in local authorities.

Expect the Tory grassroots to become very anti woke and anti Net Zero very quickly. Expect also members of other right wing minor parties (Heritage, Reclaim, Reform, UKIP) to join the Tories.

The FACT of the matter is this: As long as the two major parties at Westminster both continue to follow the suicidal Net Zero / “CO2 is a problem” agenda then it is the case of Tweedledum and Tweedledee!

The problem for the Tories is that their major corporate and millionaire donors will desert them if they abandon Net Zero and go very anti woke.

The Tories (and Heritage, Reclaim, Reform, UKIP) will ONLY prosper when the disastrous consequences of the suicidal Net Zero / “CO2 is a problem” agenda is visited upon the British electorate.

When the Net Zero / “CO2 is a problem” disaster strikes expect their major corporate and millionaire donors to return.

What the Tories must keep in mind is the old proverb: Success has many fathers: Failure is an orphan!

OF course, the BG could be wrong! The Net Zero / “CO2 is a problem” agenda may turn out to be the success Mr Ed Miliband expects it to be!


By the public being made aware of “First Contact”! That is the first (openly admitted) contact between humanity and an advanced Extra Terrestrial civilisation. This is because the technology to implement a successful Net Zero economy with electric cars, electric aeroplanes and reliable (and cheap) “zero carbon” renewable electricity generation cannot be implemented with our existing technology. An alien civilisation that can “bend space-time” and travel in FTL (Faster Than Light) spaceships will however be able to provide this technology.

This leads us to speculate about such as Mr Ed Miliband. Either he is a very sensible fellow who knows something we do not know and is not spilling the beans OR he is an idiot. Time will tell!


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