Straw + Camel = Chaos!

When the results came on for the 2024 United Kingdom general election in the early hours of Friday 5th July 2024, it was widely accepted that the result was a disaster for the Tories and a humiliation for the PM Rishi Sunak. Now, a month later Mr Sunak must feel to be one of the luckiest men in Britain!

Now lumbered with Lucky Sunak’s old job, the Unfortunate Starmer’s difficulties is underlined with monikers such as “Sir Keir Stalin” or “Stasi Starmer” or “Kneeler Starmer”.

Of course, notwithstanding the Unfortunate Starmer’s “doubling down” on his gaslighting of anybody protesting or even questioning migration or the rise of Islam in the UK in his recent declarations (that gave rise to the aforesaid monikers) the FACT is that these serious disturbances to the UK’s civil order have been a very long time in the making.

Although one cannot really put a start date on when the rot set in, the conclusion of the Macpherson Inquiry and the labelling the Metropolitan Police as “institutionally racist” began the transition of “the Met” into the politicised “two tier” police force that we now have to live with. The corrosive tentacles of politicised two tier policing has spread throughout the UK of course.

The ordinary British Public were at first infuriated with the discovery of the long running cover up – by Labour councils – of the so-called “grooming gangs” and their horrific criminality.

Later they were exasperated when they saw Police officers “taking the knee” to British ethnic minority protestors parading under the “Black Lives Matter” about the killing of a US criminal and these protestors traducing their country’s proud record on discrimination by making no attempt to differentiate the two differing histories of the UK and the USA.

The ordinary white working class were annoyed when the football authorities instructed the footballers to “take the knee” at matches and were roundly condemned when they voiced their dissent from the terraces.

Then we had the infuriating antics of “Extinction Rebellion” and the even more irritating “Just Stop Oil” with these arrogant self entitled members of the privately educated privileged white upper middle class inconveniencing working class people trying to get to work and go about their daily business.

The most corrosive development however was the absolute and craven capitulation of “the Met” (now under control of Sadiq Kahan) to the long running Gaza protests in London that had genocidal slogans shouted and even projected onto the Elizabeth Tower!

Then of course we had the General Election and the craven attitude of Labour to it’s Muslim voter base.

These happenings however were just some key pointers along the way. Over time Britain’s white working class Labour base became aware that “their party” now despised their beliefs, culture, mores and values. They had to witness the disdain for “white van man” and their fondness for the flag of St. George from Her Imperious Highness, Emily Grand Duchess of Thornbury.

They were treated to the absurdity of Labour politicians answering such silly questions as “Can a woman have a penis?” with even sillier answers such as “I am not a biologist/doctor!”

The straw however that broke the camel’s back was the murder of the three little girls in Southport.

“Enough is enough!” was the rallying cry.

Labour’s establishment is now angered and shocked by the size of the protests and are doing nothing other than doubling down on the two tier policing most prominently demonstrated by talking about proscribing the English Defence League (that has been defunct for some time) whilst turning a blind eye to the Muslim Defence League!

Clearly, two wrongs do not make a right and criminality cannot be condoned.

Furthermore, the serious civil disorder has resulted in extremely offensive and incendiary language that can only infuriate many Muslims is a very dangerous development for it might motivate a radicalised extremist to commit a terror attack. Which is why the authorities, mainstream media and politicians have been walking on eggshells for a long time now.

What is perfectly clear is that this Labour Prime Minister is determined to crack down on those mostly White British persons who have been the cause of the multiple examples of serious civil disorder but, be warned: The police are likely to be instructed to crack down on those assembled who were not taking a direct role in acts of criminal damage and assaulting police officers but were standing nearby (or in fairly close proximity) to those persons, often with their mobile [cell] ‘phones recording audio visual images with a number of these individuals shouting words of support or cheering the actions of the aforesaid attackers.

Be in no doubt: The police will be investigating their conduct. The “knock on the door” to such persons will not likely come immediately but at some point, come it will. When it does, it appears that the courts will deal with such persons severely.

Therefore the BG has this message to any reader who might be considering going along and participating in any such gathering with could result in disorder: DON’T! Stay away!

We will not discover until after the trial of the Southport child killer in 2025 what his motivation was. By that time we might be living in a very different country.

Herewith Alex Phillips of Talk TV:

Herewith Dr. North’s blog-post today:


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