The above sorry picture are the ruins of the family home situated in Cuffley in Hertforshire of Mr & Mrs Borner and Mr Borner’s parents. Whilst the Borners were away on a weekend break, their house caught fire and the emergency services contacted the Borners and they returned to this. Around thirty firemen fought the blaze. Fire officers have stated that the reason for the blaze was squirrels in the loft – chewing through electrical insulation.
The British Gazette takes no satisfaction in saying: WE TOLD YOU SO – this in relation to the need to eradicate squirrels when they infest a loft.
Mr Borner’s comment? “It is absolutely awful.”
Clearly, the gentleman is a man of remarkable restraint!
The one silver lining to this dark cloud is that nobody was killed or injured – apart that is from numerous squirrels who will doubtless be deeply mourned by the animal rights fanatics!!