Speaking the TRUTH unto the Nation and the World!

Above a Chinese report on the competition to become a flight attendant in China.
In the six years, two months and twelve days the resurrected British Gazette has been online we have had as our motto and objective, to speak the Truth unto the People of the formerly sovereign United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This is because their government supported by the establishment media – most notably the Brussels Brainwashing Commissariat, who all credit to them have not partaken in this latest example of dissembling mendaciousness we are about to relate.
The video report published on You Tube on 7th January 2015 is nearly a year old. It is about an annual beauty pageant held at Qingdao University in China for candidates competing for the chance to be hired as flight attendants. This has not stopped the western media examples of which the reader will find below from getting very heated about it – in the last couple of days or so – and denouncing it as sexism write large across the skies!
In particular we would draw the reader’s attention to the following: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/bathing-suit-stunt-in-china-falls-flat-with-flight-attendants-300198344.html where a US trades union, the Association of Flight Attendants, CWA (AFA) International President Sara Nelson stated:
“If discrimination exists anywhere, it is a threat to WOMEN everywhere. This is not a fight just for the women of China. In this era of increased globalization and trade agreements that pit American workers against these abhorrent labor practices, our union understands this very real threat to Flight Attendants in the U.S. and around the world.
“We condemn those responsible for this publicity stunt at the expense of women everywhere. And we will engage with other unions, advocacy groups and anyone who defends equality to stamp out discrimination and the exploitation of WOMEN.”
NB: The British Gazette and not the AFA have capitalised the word, “women”. This is because if the reader will listen to the Chinese report the video makes it clear that not only were young female applicants were required to pose in bikinis, but young male applicants were required to pose in briefs!
British Gazette comment:
There will be many British Gazette readers who will dismiss this story as an irrelevant side issue not worthy of this organ’s attention. But your Editor would strongly beg to differ for this deliberate misrepresentation – making their audiences think that it applied ONLY to females and NOT males – demonstrates the routine dishonesty of the establishment media. So whilst we will agree that there are far more pressing issues in the world today than a Chinese airline’s staff recruitment procedures, this story is VERY IMPORTANT as it demonstrates categorically the blatant misrepresentation of this story by the following outlets below.
British reports:
http://mashable.com/2015/12/30/bikini-airline/#1yiwSlSTugqYUS reports:
Australian report:
New Zealand report:
Editor’s special comment:
In the time this organ has been online, this is about the most blatant example that demonstrates the level of deliberate misrepresentation that is applied to get the public to think the way the establishment want them to think. The article should be read as a “wake up call” to the level of dissembling we are routinely subjected to.

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