Germans as we all know have a great reputation for thoroughness, order and discipline. You know the old joke of a man going to heaven, he is shown around by St. Peter, and finds that the food is prepared by the French, the brass band and the beer is provided by the Germans and the crowd control is provided by the British (the famous British bobby). On asking St. Peter what hell is like, St. Peter replies; “Very similar yet very different. In hell the food is prepared by the British, the brass band and the beer is provided by the French and the crowd control is provided by the Germans!”
The above video shows that the Germans have at last developed a sense of satirical self deprecating ironic humour.
The video is in German but it’s totally understandable in any language. A translation: A daughter is visiting her father and is helping in the kitchen. She asks:. ” Tell me dad, how are you managing with the new I-Pad we gave you for your birthday?”
That truly made me laugh out loud!!! Thanks peter.