Please members of the congregation, can we have some more? Like ten times more?

Above is The Right Reverend, Rosemarie Mallett, Bishop of Croydon.

Bishop Mallett ( has reacted to the proposal to allocate £100 million ( to address the issue of the long defunct, Queen Anne’s Bounty in-re slavery.

Bishop Mallett ( is of the opinion that £1,000 million is nearer the mark!

Readers may well ask: “Where will this huge amount of money come from?”

Well, the C of E could start by selling off some assets (land [Lambeth Palace?] and valuable artefacts). What is traditionally known as “church plate” – silver communion chalices &C. The rest will have to be paid “over time”. Where will such money come from?

Probably something called the Ministry and Mission Fund (MMF). Each C of E parish receives a request to pay a certain amount of money into the MMF. It varies. I can imagine that the EDI (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion) Brigade will suggest that the racial bias of each parish is taken into account so parishes with a high incidence of BAME (Black and Minority Ethnic) are not required to contribute to their own compensation fund! This will mean that parishes like the one I am in which is overwhelmingly “white British” will be required to contribute a greater sum than would otherwise have been the case.

Well, I can advise you Dear Reader that as a member of a parochial parish council, I will suggest that the parish I am part of does NOT make such a contribution and adjusts the amount it gives to the MMF accordingly.

Personally, I regard the correct amount to allocate to such a fund is £0.00p.

There have been gross inhumanities perpetrated by people in the past and inhumanities are still being perpetrated today. If one gives money to the descendants of the West Indian slaves which other group will be next? What about the descendants of British India for instance?

How about us “white British”? Some unfortunate Britons living centuries ago were abducted from their settlements in the South West by Barbary corsairs and sold into slavery in the Middle East. I think if Lord Cameron was to ask the Turks and the Saudis for compensation we all know that he would receive very short shrift indeed!

Ah, but then I am “white” and am supposed to have something called “white privilege”!

I am supposed to acknowledge this status. I do not.

Naturally, there will be those in the parish who disagree strongly with me. Well, I was elected onto the parochial parish council and therefore when re-election comes I can always be voted off! After all, this is democracy!


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