Waiting……………… My first actual job after leaving the Merchant Navy was with a freight forwarding firm in Leeds. Located in Leeds…
The calm before the storm! One of the worrying sights seafarers face is that of a storm on the horizon. Especially when one’s curse is…
The Return of the Prodigal Son! Above, Pompeo Batoni’s famous 1773 masterpiece, “The Return of the Prodigal Son” in the collection of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in…
An American’s Dream………. The above political map of North America shows the USA (an expanded USA with the provinces of the Great Lakes…
Interesting times to come: Meaning after Monday 20 January 2025! Above, The Right Honourable The Lord Mandelson PC, the next Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the United States. Nominated…
The stupid are ever with us! When doing a blog-post I like to keep the size of the image below £100K. Whilst in October 2009 this…
If they can’t do the time, then they shouldn’t do the crime!!!!!! Above, an Avro Lancaster from the Battle of Britain Memorial flight. During WW2 many young men volunteered for the highly…
Not little, not green and NOT men! Above, your earliest mammalian ancestor. One for the family album? This dog-like predator is the oldest known mammal ancestor. The…
That which is NOT reported…….. Those BG readers who have received their news from other than the British Brainwashing Commissariat may very well have come…
It MIGHT be you: IF you bought a ticket! The title of the Beeb’s report on the latest British Gigantic Jackpot winner is: “UK winner of EuroMillions scoops £177m…