Not little, not green and NOT men!

Above, your earliest mammalian ancestor. One for the family album?

This dog-like predator is the oldest known mammal ancestor. The 280-million-year-old bones of this sabre-toothed predator were uncovered in Spain.


As for the LGM: Money. That is the reason why TV and movie executives require ETs to look like this:

This is the character B’Elanna Torres a character in Star Trek: Voyager played by the actress Roxann Dawson.

The late Dr. Carl Sagan strenuously argued throughout his career that the chances of human-like creatures evolving on a different planet were so slight that there are not enough stars in the universe to allow for those infinitesimal odds!

You see, the audience can relate to Ms Dawson’s character. They can not relate to their earliest mammalian ancestor at the top of this post.

SciFi dramas since Kenneth Arnold’s UFO sighting on 26 June, 1947 have played a useful role in gradually making the general populace aware of the notion that there exist intelligent extraterrestrial civilisations on planets orbiting stars other than our own.

There are those who suggest that there has been contact (remotely by radio) between some of the governments (or their agencies) and the “ETs”.

For myself, I have previously gone on record as stating that this MIGHT in fact be the case.

IF – and I admit that it is a very big if – there has been regular contact between some governments or agencies and the ETs and that there is a plan to establish physical contact between the ETs and this planet’s human civilisation that plan would have to cover certain stages.

The first is a progress inculcation in the minds of the populace of the concept of intelligent extra terrestrial life. Sci-Fi drama has provided this now for decades.

Then there has to physical safeguards to avoid the fate of the Martians in HG Well’s novel, War of the Worlds. A fate that would be bourne not just by the ETs but humans!

This is why it MIGHT be the case that COVID-19 was a creation that has given most of the human beings on the planet a level of protection against any alien viruses or infections.

IF this is the case, it would explain the claims of some people to have been abducted by ETs and for them to have invasive procedures carried out on them against their will. Such would be necessary to create COVID-19.

The FACT is this: IF COVID-19 is such a creation it would be essential to deploy it in good time before actual contact.

Following the establishment of an acceptable (to the parties involved) level of protection, there would have to follow a period of preparation to perform the psychological groundwork so to speak in the general populace.

It MIGHT be that the current crop of “drone” sightings and “lights” in the night sky are this. IF this is the case then it is obvious why the “drones” and aerial light sources are performing their manoeuvres at night: The general populace do not see too much too soon.

If such as the above made an appearance in broad daylight over a major city the reaction would not be helpful!

Such an appearance MIGHT come about in the not too distant future. However, the announcement that contact has been established between the ETs and that a craft will be arriving on Earth MIGHT occur.

Such an appearance would be fraught with difficulties. Not for the ETs but for humanity!


Well, where will the alien craft land?

Who will greet and meet the aliens?

Well to most Americans the answer is obvious!

The President of the USA at Andrews Air Force Base at Camp Springs, Maryland near Washington DC (!

Of course, Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Vladimir Putin, President of Russia and Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi (an many other political leaders) would strongly disagree!

Clearly, the ETs would require the humans to agree on a location!

Such an insistence MIGHT be the reason why the sovereignty of the Chagos Archipelago has been transferred to Mauritius by the UK and the acceptance of this by the USA.

You see, the US air base there (above) can operate USAF B-52 heavy bombers. This means that any large passenger carrying aircraft can land and take off from there. You see, the world’s leaders would all insist that they should be there to represent their countries!

I happen to think that many leaders will be greatly disappointed. I think that the world leaders who will be there would comprise the heads of government of the UN Security Council and those members of the G20 (if they are not on the SecCo). The other nations will have to content themselves with being represented by the UNO General Secretary. Also expect the President of the European Commission to be there!

Diego Garcia is the largest island of the Chagos Archipelago, part of the British Indian Ocean Territory (BIOT). It has been used as a joint UK–U.S. military base since the 1970s, following the expulsion of the Chagossians by the UK government. The Chagos Islands have been a British overseas territory, but in early October 2024, the UK agreed to transfer sovereignty of the islands to Mauritius, while allowing the military base to remain under a 99-year lease, pending a treaty ratification.

The logistics and politics of such a venue would be obvious: The US combat aircraft would have to depart (temporarily). US ground crews would remain to refuel and provide support services and ATC (air traffic control) to the aircraft carrying the VIPs. Plus a restricted number (one) passenger aircraft carrying certain members of the press and TV?

The meeting between the ET/ETs would not be direct. This for the most obvious reason: Planet Earth’s atmosphere and climate will be unsuitable for the ET/ETs!

Expect a big screen TV on the tarmac with humanity’s representatives seated on a row of chairs looking at it.

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