No good outcome!

It is fairly obvious to a dispassionate observer that the trial of former President Donald Trump in New York was and is politically motivated. It is commonly believed that the Biden administration encouraged the prosecution for they believed that if convicted of a crime, Mr Trump’s chances of getting elected for a second term as POTUS would be severely limited!

This is of course conventional political wisdom!

However such as Megan Kelly in her latest commentary ( maintains that the prosecution was and is seriously flawed, so much so that it has left the USA’s justice system open not only to intense criticism but ridicule.

Comparisons have been made to states that have repressive political regimes and are known for “show trials”. A prominent example is of course the treatment of the late Russian opposition leader Alexei Anatolyevich Navalny (

Because I know how much patriotic Americans view “Old Glory” – their flag – it is with some trepidation I post the manufactured image at the top of this blog-post!

It is clear that the Biden administration have been so desperate to cling to power and ensure a second term for President Biden that they have thrown everything – including it seems the kitchen sink – at securing his re-election in November 2024.

It is also clear that President Biden is suffering from dementia and his decline has been at such a rate that no medical authority would suggest that he is capable of fulfilling his duties through to 2028.

If Vice President Kamala Harris remains on the Democratic “ticket” as Biden’s running mate then she is clearly going to take over as President very shortly after President Biden has been inaugurated.

Of course, the mainstream media are reporting the latest on the Trump trial in a very different fashion than Ms Kelly. Herewith is Britain’s Brainwashing Commissariat’s latest report:

In trying to secure his re-election as President by using “lawfare”, President Biden has brought his nation’s criminal justice system and it’s political system into disrepute and ridicule.

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