Nigel Farage: Snake oil salesman extraordinaire!

During the 2026 Brexit referendum campaign, I was acted as an activist activity guide. My job was to encourage selected activists into activities that were useful (to advance the campaign) but at the same time ensured that they were not put in front of a microphone or anywhere near a journalist or reporter! This because the Leave campaign run by Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage were old fashioned in the sense that they thought it was our opponents task to kick the ball into our net and not have some of our errant activists kick the ball into our own net!

It seems that Two Tier Keir whom shows all the signs of metamorphosing into an authoritarian ( anti British zealot is somewhat careless in his choice of invective!

Typically of tyrants, he seems to have found a scapegoat! This scapegoat comes in two iterations which in Kneeler’s mind are the two sides of one coin; the “Far Right” and “Populism” with the former being the unacceptable non Parliamentary face and the latter the seeking acceptability Parliamentary face! The latter being exemplified in the person of Nigel Farage!

Kneeler’s strategy is clear ( To try and marginalise Nigel Farage and the other Reform MPs by attempting to paint them as the Parliamentary face the “Far Right” to try and put clear blue water between the Tories and Reform causing the Tory centrists to move away thus forcing those on the right of the Tory Party to make a choice to alter their attitudes or move to Reform.

Kneeler knows that the more Nigel Farage draws attention to the two tier justice system and the gulf between the sentences handed out – ( compared to ( – the more he can portray “Populism” as the polite respectable end of a spectrum that has “Far Right thuggery” at it’s other end.

My advice to Nigel Farage and any other free speech patriotic activist is to lean into the barb and declare oneself a Snake Oil Salesman!


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