Mirror, mirror on the wall, what am I?

Normally, I’m not a great fan of revisionist versions of much loved classics but the 2012 movie “Snow White and the Hunstman (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snow_White_and_the_Huntsman) was impressive, largely due to the availability of technology that the early creators were denied. In particular, the CGI (Computer Generated Imaging) enabled the fabled mirror to perform the role of shape shifting entity.

Now Queen Ravenna may have sought the mirror’s advice on “who was the fairest [as in feminine beauty] of them all” but my suggestion that such a mirror could usefully be employed at the Department for Education and located in the office of Doctor Anneliese Dodds who was appointed Minister for Women and Equalities at that Department as well as being appointed Minister of State at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office.

You see, Dr. Dobbs has a problem; she has difficulty answering the question: “What is a woman?”

That Dr. Dobbs has problems answering this is strange as she is clearly a highly educated and intelligent woman! You see, she read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at St Hilda’s College, Oxford and subsequently read for a master’s degree in Social Policy at the University of Edinburgh and then wrote a thesis for a PhD in government at the London School of Economics!

From this one wonders why the lady has problems with such a seemingly obvious question!

GOTO: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/07/08/jk-rowling-anneliese-dodds-define-woman-labour/

I mean, all she has to do is to stand in front of a mirror! Even a non magical one!

Because the BG always seeks to be as helpful and as informative as possible we have embedded a YouTube video of the late Annie Blanche Banks (29 February, 1928 – 20 April, 2021), more commonly known by her stage name “Tempest Storm” (https://youtu.be/YNdCBhTl8_I?si=5n06qUJmv3z5UKft)!

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