Meow!! Its International World Cat Day! We are all animals now!

Today, if you did not know it is International World Cat Day. Wow!
I was in a conversation recently with a member of the congregation of St John the Baptist Church, Pendeen.
We were talking about lawyers and the way many seem to make a very good living out of taking publicly, charity and quango funded cases to court.
The subject of the Green Party’s money making (for lawyers, that is) idea of giving legal personalities enabling lawyers to act for pets in bringing cases against their former owners who would have become statutory guardians of the animal. It was noted that many Greens and animal rights activists refer to animals and humans as “non Human animals” and “Human animals.”
As we were chatting a delightful lady who is in the habit of bringing her red setter into the church and up to the communion rail (with the full approval of the congregation and the vicar I might add) had heard only part of the discussion and wondered what we were talking about. I told the lady that the Greens would like to give her beloved pet a legal personality which would allow her pet to sue her if he ever got ill and the RSPCA deemed her in any way, wholly or partly responsible. “Oh good!” she declared approvingly.
There is only one response to that; Woof, woof!

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