Living in interesting times!

As the unstoppable flow of time takes us from one year into another the fingers of North the Elder ( and North the Younger ( have issued another two informative blog-posts to educate and better inform us.

Reading them causes me to refer you Dear Reader to a cautionary word from the blog, Verywell.

To quote: Conspiratorial thinking can be problematic and dangerous (Pizzagate, anyone?), but this does not mean that scepticism of institutions, marketing, and media messaging is not warranted. After all, not all conspiracies are false (the Tuskegee experiments and Iran-Contra are just a couple of examples).

As you encounter information from various sources, it is important to be able to distinguish between false conspiracy theories and real threats to personal security. While it may be tempting to ridicule conspiracy believers, remember that these sort of beliefs are actually pretty common — you probably even believe in some of them.

In a world where people feel the very real effects of power imbalances and distrust in leadership, conspiracy theories will naturally flourish. This means discouraging this type of thinking is not always easy.


I must admit, I am loathed to put forward conspiracy theories BUT the nature and extent of the “anthropogenic climate change” globalist hoax forces me down this intellectual alley.

It all comes down to this: Why are sensible people saying (and doing) silly things? People who should know better.

One answer is that they have all for some mysterious and unfathomable reason gone bonkers.

Another answer (and one I am inclined to believe) is that they are aware of something that we (the uniformed general public) are not!

This of course begs the question: What could this be?

To which I am forced to give the answer: I do not know!

There are of course online sources of information that offer fantastical explanations!

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