Have the Liberal Democrats lost it?

Above, Andrew George, Liberal Democrat candidate for St. Ives and the Isles of Scilly.
The proof when desperation has truly set in is when one’s opponents, “loose it” and “blow their tops.”
Today, some of Mr Andrew George’s assistants have been delivering an extremely offensive leaflet through the letterboxes of voters in the constituency of St. Ives and the Isles of Scilly. It seeks to warn voters of something they have coined, “Blukip”.
Proof that the Lib-Dems have reached this state is evidenced by the website they have set up: http://www.blukip.org
Surf onto this site and you will see statements about UKIP that are quite simply untrue.
However, Mr Gordon (the man behind this) has done UKIP a favour for the only people who could possibly be persuaded by it will have already decided to vote for the Greens, Labour or Lib-Dem.
Mr Gordon’s implied accusation that UKIP favours Iranian style public hangings of those who are not heterosexual is so “off the wall” as any person who believes it could not exercise their franchise due to mental incapacity.
As a result, today’s article asks Mr Andrew George if he will disassociate himself from this leaflet.
So, Mr George, all you have to do is to reply by adding your comment to this article.
We can understand how mistakes can be made – that HQ send down leaflets and activists put them out without checking with the candidate. These things happen in all parties – including UKIP – I know – I was Branch Chairman of UKIP, Leeds for a while.

One thought on “Have the Liberal Democrats lost it?

  1. The Lib Dems use of this nonsense in the St Ives Constituency does not seem to get many followers! Not surprising, but they must be really worried UKIP is doing well to put such lies out.
    They are so distrusted that they broke the solemn promise re tuition fees ; they went along with the Lansley “reforms ” that were not in their manifesto and the Tories had promised would not occur. Who would trust either of them ?
    The Tories will not tell the electorate where they will cut £12 billion form Welfare and £13 billion from our services ( Army etc) Law and Order; Police and Social Care; they think you are “mugs.”
    Andrew George is the most rebellious Lib Dem ; he said at our hustings that though their Manifesto line is to replace Trident (with one less submarine – hopefully any enemy will play ball and not attack when one is being repaired!) he would vote against it.
    Cornelius Olivier also showed that the Labour manifesto means little
    On Trident he felt the support of Labour would be reviewed after the election by the SNP?
    So for those two parties do not trust the manifesto ; and certainly for George with his regular rebellions against his party you have no idea what you are voting for ; you cannot rely on his manifesto as he so often disagrees with his party.
    Really, all 3 established parties have broken so many promises you cannot trust them again.
    Go for UKIP whose manifesto has not been criticised by the respected Institute of Fiscal Studies. The 3 established parties’ manifestos have been ; ours has been independently costed and verified.

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