Halt! Papers?

Carbis Bay resembles a set of a movie today. Law abiding citizens attempting to go about their normal business in abnormal circumstances. Frequently asked to provide evidence of identity.
A word of warning: Today’s ever so PC police officer is a product of the 21st century indoctrination process which involves amputation of two senses; “common” and “humour”. I myself discovered this a while back when I was at Manchester airport seeing off a friend. Walking back to my car that had been parked in the car park run by the Al Capone Extortion Management Corporation (judging from the extortionate levels of money required for parking for the shortest possible time) I observed a young man who was an armed police officer. Seeing him I remembered a comment made by my late father many many years ago, “You know you’re beginning to age when the policemen appear younger.”
This I found out was true! The young man was many years my junior! Typical of young men in their early twenties, when armed to the teeth in a non threatening environment they can feel “Jack the Lad”. I know this to be the case as when I was in my early twenties, the occasion occurred when I was being trained in the use of a side arm. The weapon in question was a Smith & Wesson .38 and in the non threatening situation, I did feel “Jack the Lad”. Thus from that combination of first hand experience and memory, I knew what was going through that young man’s mind.
I decided to use a metaphorical pin and smiling broadly at the young police officer asked, “Off rabbit shooting are we?”
NB: You do NOT go rabbit shooting with one of these – unless you live in Texas!I did not receive a friendly or a polite response!

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