This is a question many may well wish to ask of the above groups of Shia Muslims indulging in group flagellation sessions – that brings a new (and painful) meaning to the phrase, “having a whip round” – above.
It is also a question the British Gazette asks of Mr. Ed Miliband and the global warmists regarding the news that the UK is likely to struggle meeting its “green energy targets”.
Britain could struggle to hit its target of getting 15 percent of its energy from renewable resources within the next decade, according to a government report submitted to the European Union. Interim targets for the next six years will cause even greater problems. The European Union’s executive has been collating the energy forecasts of its 27 member nations to see if more needs to be done to cut climate-warming emissions.
Why bother? When the result is going to be much higher fuel bills and more poverty?
There was a report the other day issued stating that the gap between the poorest and the richest in our country had widened over the decades, not narrowed. We are a less equal society. This of course should bother a good socialist like Mr. Miliband, but no. It seems Mr. Miliband is preoccupied with trying to “save the planet” from catastrophic “tipping points”. This phrase “tipping point” and the lunatic belief that somehow the increase in CO2 levels is going to bring forth devastation is as ill founded as the belief that medieval men had that if one was to sail too far, one would drop off the edge of the world – down into who knows where!
We of course now laugh at this belief but to those who held it, it was no laughing matter.
Seemingly Mr. Miliband is as convinced as these poor fellows. For if it were not so, what would explain this left of centre politician determined to press forward with his “green energy” policy that has the effect of making the heating bills of the poor and elderly so much higher than needs be?
Mr. Miliband says he wants to save the planet as lives are threatened. The plain simple and salient fact is that his “green energy” policy is costing the lives of poor pensioners at this time of year.
The British Gazette suggests that if Mr. Miliband thinks that “feeling the pain” is something to be indulged in, then he should join the Muslims in Kabala and give himself a good whipping! And stop hurting this country’s poor and elderly. They have had enough.