British Gazette readers know that Aussies will either call a spade, a “spade” or a “bloody spade!” What they will NOT do is call it an agricultural and/or horticultural implement!
Thus, this advice found on the internet is advice the Editor knows is superfluous to most of its Readers!
It is however advice which should be taken notice of by such as Mr Mohammed Emwazi (AKA Jihadi John) late of Maida Vale and now resident somewhere in the Syrian desert. But then Mr Emwazi is of course very well aware of this being familiar with the many Auusies he will have come across in Middlesex.
According to reports it seems Mr Emwazi is now fearful of the less than gentle attentions of the SBS, SAS or US SEALS.
Doubtless Mr Emwazi – who has benefited from an Middlesex education – will recall the phrase “Those who live by the sword will die by the sword…..”
Words such as; making, bed, and lying in it come to mind.