British Holidaymakers: Hostages to fortune?

Some commentators may suggest that the British government’s pre-emptive measures in relation to British holidaymakers at Sharm el-Sheikh was an unwise undertaking because it has invited trouble in the form that the airline easyJet has announced that it’s plans to fly hundreds of stranded Britons back from the Sinai resort have been disrupted by Egyptian authorities. The budget carrier had been due to operate ten flights today, but said eight would not be able to operate because Egypt had suspended British flights from flying into the airport.
This follows an announcement Russia and Egypt yesterday dismissing the British suggestion that a bomb may have caused the crash that killed 224 people, stating that this was a rush to judgement.
Obviously, the British Gazette is not privy to the intelligence that MI5 and MI6 have laid before the Cabinet. However, following the terrorist outrage in Tunisia earlier this year it is clear that “Western tourists” are now targets for Muslim terrorists. These terrorists wish to destroy the tourist industries of Muslim countries. They also wish to kill Western civilians.
What is clear is this: Muslim countries present a varying level of risk to the Western holidaymaker. The level of risk varies as there are many factors. Most obviously the individual country and places in that country. Then there is the nationality of the Western tourist. An Irish tourist has a lesser risk of being a target than a British tourist due to the high profile US supporting stance of the British government. The profile of the Irish Republic is a low one.
Some British Gazette readers will be aware that there are quite a number of British passport holders who have obtained an Irish passport and they travel on the Irish passport precisely because of this. They may also be aware that some high profile individuals with tittles do not have such on their Irish passport, thus the Earl of somewhere is mere Mr surname.
The British Gazette would suggest that the British holidaymaker on a budget (an who isn’t these days?) wanting a beach holiday on a budget should wait till the summer time should consider resorts such as Slanchev Bryag (Sunny Beach) in Bulgaria.Slanchev Bryag is a major seaside resort on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria, located approximately 22 miles north of Burgas. The resort’s construction began back in Communist times, in 1958.
It is all very well for individual citizens to suggest that MI5 and MI6 should look after us and keep us safe, but there is a considerable amount of things we can do ourselves. I myself have always had a desire to see the Valley of the Kings and Karnak and now ironically as I have the finances to indulge this wish, the situation on the ground means that this would be most unwise to do so.
There will of course be those bold people who would suggest that this is giving in to terrorism. I am reminded of a true story my late father once told me:
During the Great War two officers were sitting on a wall and taking an opportunity to have a cigarette. The theatre was not the Western Front but Mesopotamia. Suddenly a shell exploded nearby and the junior officer – a recently commissioned 2nd Lieutenant dived for cover behind the wall. The senior officer, a Major grabbed the young man – probably a teenager – by the scruff of the neck and pulled him back up. The young man was told that this was not the done thing. One must never openly show fear as fear is contagious and spreads to the men.
I would merely suggest that going to places such as Karnak now provides a target for terrorists.

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