Brexit: just white noise.

Above a you tube video of 10 hours of white noise. Published by someone styling themselves as “Relaxing White Noise” and published on 2nd May 2018, the publisher claims that it is “… of our most soothing white noise sounds….” going on to state: “This relaxing white noise is great for helping you sleep, study, focus or soothe a baby.”
British Gazette comment: Interrogators and policemen in countries such as Venezuela would beg to differ! Exposing a person to 10 hours of white noise is considered torture by such as Amnesty International! In short, this is as ridiculous a claim as UKIP members claiming that WTO terms are not a problem for the UK!
Of course “noise” is a term that is used to describe waffle propagated as “news” in the way that much of the output of the UK’s mainstream media is putting out these days as the SS Great Britain sails steadily towards the rocks marked on the chart as “A Hard Brexit”.
We agree with Doctor Richard North, whose stamina appears unending ( that this whole saga is becoming tedious!
NB: On this day in 1603 Her Highness Queen Elizabeth of England died.

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