Becoming an asylum seeker!

Above, the iconic “Statue of Liberty”.

One half of the year it’s too hot and in the other half of the year it’s too cold. The USA is a land of extremes. It is home to well over 300 million souls and can be described as “demographically diverse.”

In addition to it’s human occupants the USA also has a number of animal occupants, some of whom are very dangerous (to humans). These include alligators, rattlesnakes and grizzly bears! The presence of these creatures explains why some Americans living in areas having these creatures have firearms.

Then of course there is the healthcare industry in the USA. It can be said that the USA has the finest hospitals and doctors in the world. That specialist treatment can be found there when it cannot be found elsewhere – including the UK. It can also be said that you need to be very very rich or very very healthy to get by in the US health care system! Luck is also an essential element!

The USA has a long and proud tradition of welcoming those fleeing persecution. Which is why the USA has the largest Jewish population in the world.

The USA has a codified constitution which is rigid when compared to other country’s constitutions which are let us say, flexible!

This “flexibility” has of course been recently demonstrated by “Kneeler Starmer” – aka “Keir Jong Starmer” – aka “Stasi Starmer” – aka “Two Tier Starmer” aka “Sir Keir Stalin”. For a British prime minister to accumulate such a large collection of derogatory nicknames in so short a time must be a record!

The reason for today’s blog-post is that a number of individuals are seriously contemplating moving to the USA (from the UK) because of the issue of freedom of expression. This because they feel (correctly) that the chances of Kneeler’s regime legislating to criminalise what it will define as “Islamophobia” is a racing certainty!

As is generally the case, young healthy people with employable skills are the ones who can move without too much difficulty. Then of course there are the very wealthy who even if old and ailing can move due to their ability to purchase all the necessary healthcare they will need.

For Christians of course there is the issue of attending church on a Sunday (and other days). There is a high level of church attendance in the USA when compared to other First World nations – especially the UK.

Of course, those Christians thinking of emigrating to the USA due to the present and future situation in the UK might not meet with the full approval of the Archbishop of Canterbury – this based on his recent article in the Guardian:

There is one grotesque irony about this situation:

Part of the cause (for some in the UK emigrating to the USA) is large numbers of so called “asylum seekers” making the perilous crossing of the English Channel in small unseaworthy inflatable boats. The vast majority of these individuals are young healthy men who can be called “economic migrants” who are seeking a new life in the UK because they feel (correctly) that employment and wealth creation opportunities are greater in the UK than in the country they have travelled from.

In stark contrast, many of those members of the UK’s indigenous peoples are looking to migrate to the USA to avoid potential and future political persecution from the UK’s government!

One could almost call these people “asylum seekers”!

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