You were the biggest and bravest bloody amoeba the people of this nation have ever known Sir! His late Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh is famously said to have told friends: ‘I am the only man…
Moi? No expert! Yesterday, Sunday 21st May 2023 was the 117th anniversary of my late father’s (above) birth. In July twenty years will…
Get thee behind me ??????????????????? As someone who had been labelled a “climate change denier” ~ I do not deny the climate is changing. I…
Uneasy lies the head. Not too long ago the press reported that HRH the Duke of York was considering or planning to have an…
The Walking Dead! Above Queen Mary (26 May 1867 ~ 24 March 1953). Firstly (off topic): Today (9 May) is Europe Day; so…
Finally, I’ve made a decision! For a long time now I have hummed and harred about writing this post. I have written similar to what…
The horses are not frightened: Even when wearing red and cerise! Above, Ms Ashley Dalton the victrix (were it open) at the Ring O’Bells public house on Ring o Bells Lane…
“Doing England!” The above image is one many of us will instantly recognise. And I am writing to my American readers here!…
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly! Above left, we have the Right Honourable Jacinda Ardern, His Majesty’s first Prime Minister of New Zealand but New Zealand’s…
It’s the Gordon Brown Show folks! Oh Dear! I really feel sorry for the Unfortunate Sir Keir Starmer! You see, the warm up act (Gordon Brown)…