An open letter to the British People from His Excellency, François Hollande, President of the French Republic.

Mes chers amis Britanniques!
After my meeting with my dear friend David Cameron, I feel compelled to write on the subject of the forthcoming vote to leave or remain in the European Union.
I would ask that you follow your Prime Minister’s recommendation that you should vote to REMAIN in the European Union.
Be under no doubt whatsoever of the Very Serious Consequences of taking the erroneous advice of such as Mr Nigel Farage were the British People to vote to leave the European Union.
Please be assured that Britain has a very “Special Place” in the hearts of the French! It is the Earnest Wish of the French People that the British People vote to remain in the European family of Nations of which the European Union is the constitutional and institutional embodiment!
However, we would remind you all of the large numbers of migrants camped out in the environs of Calais and have to warn you that should Brexit be your choice on 23rd May, 2016, things will change!
And not for the better!
I therefore with hope, look forward to the day known as Midsummer’s Day in England, Friday 24th June 2016 when we look forward to receiving the news that the British People have followed the recommendation of my dear friend David Cameron.
En amitié,
François Hollande.

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