A Midsummer Night’s Nightmare??????

Above, the now iconic image of RMS Titanic sinking below the waves of the North Atlantic. Indeed, the reference to the Titanic disaster is a regularly used meme indicating a forthcoming disaster or let us say, a negative outcome.

Of course, many are now appending the Titanic meme to the travails of the Unfortunate Sunak and his fellow Conservatives seeking re-election on Thursday 4th July 2024 – which happens to be the USA’s Independence Day.

That the Unfortunate Sunak’s calling the election for what our friends across the pond have it as July 4th, was a surprise to all but a select few is borne out by the betting scandal (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/ckrrx571jklt) that has embroiled a number of Tories!

Many commentators are asking the question: Why did Mr Sunak call the election when he did?

Many have come to the conclusion that there are many troubles ahead for the UK and Mr Sunak came to the decision that he’d far rather hand the responsibility for dealing with them to the Unfortunate Sir Keir Starmer!

The BBC has a relevant news article about likely forthcoming tax increases (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/ckkkk90lw50o).

Of course, British Bamboozling Coterie will shy well away from a particular elephant that is less in the room and more on the horizon of the forthcoming economic crisis brought about the sheer impracticality of replacing the production of the UK’s baseload electricity supply by the now so-called “fossil fuel” sources with the so-called “renewable sources” – meaning a ridiculous triumvirate of solar panels, wind turbines and batteries (for storage from the first two sources)!

This is ludicrousness taken to a whole new level!

Many of course look to nuclear power and such as Hinkley Point (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinkley_Point_C_nuclear_power_station) but the UK’s labyrinthine bureaucracy as it relates to nuclear power makes the construction of such plants impossibly long and impossibly expensive.

Of course, it would not be possible to take a cutting of a metaphorical Gordian Knot approach as this would require political courage and political will – which are two things missing in nearly all the UK’s “mainstream” politicians.

That the Unfortunate Sir Keir Starmer will be the next occupant of #10 Downing Street and his “honeymoon” will end the day after the new Parliament has been opened by HM King Charles III is a foregone conclusion!

In a curious way the greater the electoral cataclysm the Tories suffer the easier it will be for them in the long run! This because if the majority the Labour party have is truly monumental and unprecedented then the opposition to Sir Keir will not come from the benches opposite but from those behind him!

Then of course there are the late Earl of Stockton’s “Events, Dear Boy, Events!”

A certain Mr George Galloway has speculated upon the prospect of the UK in a war with Russia six months after the Unfortunate Sir Keir crosses the threshold of #10 Downing Street!

NB: The UK’s armed forces are in NO FIT STATE to fight a war and will not be in January 2025 either!

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