A man with no mandate.

With a week to go until polling day, GB News reported that a new poll commissioned suggested that the Lib Dems could become the official opposition with the Tories in third place.

I have referred to the “First Past the Post” aka “Two Party” system as disproportional representation.

Now of course, we must all remind ourselves of the received wisdom that “a week is a long time in politics” but it seems that it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that the UK could end up with one of the most grotesque election results in political history, being:

Ranking in terms of the number of total votes cast across Great Britain:

– Labour 1st

– Reform 2nd

– Conservatives 3rd

– Liberal Democrats 4th

– Greens 5th

Ranking in terms of the number of seats won across Great Britain:

– Labour 1st

– Liberal Democrats 2nd

– Conservatives 3rd

– Reform 4th

– Greens 5th

NB: I have not factored in the SNP or Plaid Cymru due to them not standing in England.

This of course would present an unprecedented situation for a Labour government to deal with but it would be further complicated by Labour’s own election strategy it has employed during the election campaign. This being to be extremely limited in making much in the way of manifesto commitments. Traditionally, a party’s manifesto becomes it’s mandate. If a Bill in the Commons is a manifesto commitment the Lords are restricted in what they can do more so than a Bill detailing something that is not a manifesto commitment.

Sir Keir Starmer appears to be a man who is prepared to bend the knee to appease and/or to curry favour with a group of people. Such a man is in my opinion unsuitable material to be His Majesty’s Prime Minister.

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