A magic wand, a magic wand, His Majesty’s kingdom [the UK] for a magic wand!

“A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse!” is the last line for the king in Shakespeare’s

Richard III (Act 5, scene 4, line 13).

Yes, I’ve taken a grotesque liberty with my adaptation for today’s title!

The idea of a magic wand is not just within the confines of children’s literature but is a fanciful thought that occurs in the minds of many when confronted with an intractable problem or an impossible or inevitable situation: If only there was a magical way or solving the problem.

Fantasy of course as we live in a world of harsh realities!

Of course, those bearing the message of hard cold reality are often ignored or roundly condemned because intractable and unavoidable problems are things that many will seek to ignore at all costs.

Our political establishment are very fond of adopting this ostrich (head in the sand) mentality. One politicians whose head does not appear to be stuck in the sand is Senator J D Vance, now Mr Trump’s running mate.

Here is a YouTube video (https://youtu.be/F9ZxV8mhiRk?si=P4NpASYQk4RGCIFW) of Senator Vance speaking at the 2024 National Conservatism Conference just days before he was picked by Donald Trump as his VP.

The Guardian (https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/16/trump-running-mate-jd-vance-uk-first-islamist-country-nuclear-weapon) I suitably horrified at Senator Vance’s light hearted jibe [14:15 to 15:10].

The FACT is however that the jibe has a basis in reality (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/religion/articles/religionbyageandsexenglandandwales/census2021)!

So, if I had a magic wand and could wave any problem away, what would it be?

Well my first thought would be: How to magic up a huge amount of money to put myself back in the position I was in before the 2008 financial crash!

But my second thought would be for others and my county so I would forgo those riches in order to alleviate the terrible suffering of Christians in Pakistan (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persecution_of_Christians_in_Pakistan) and [REDACTED] and by magically ensuring that all Christians in Pakistan would suddenly volunteer to be immediately and magically transported to new lives in the UK – with housing, jobs &C magically provided!

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