A licence to rape?

Doubtless this headline will be reported as incitement and therefore a “hate crime”. We will however, to borrow a title of a carry On film, Carry on Regardless!
This is because we would draw the Reader’s attention to an article on the Conservativewomen website written by Jane Kelly, Councillor for Boscombe West on Bournemouth Borough Council.
Councillor Kelly relates her experience about the muted – and that is putting it mildly! – to the news that German women have been raped and sexually assaulted by migrants. Here: http://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/jane-kelly-feminist-bbc-would-rather-canonise-bowie-than-admit-the-ugly-truth-of-cologne/
It appears that even politically correct females are prepared to “turn a blind eye” to the cultural, ethnic and religious identity of the attackers. As a man, I find it extraordinary that any woman would feel constrained to look the other way on this subject. Councillor Kelly clearly is not prepared to look away.
We would suggest to Councillor Kelly that one reason my so many of the politically correct supporters of multiculturalism are determined to try and brush these incidents “under the carpet” is that they now realise the full extent of the disaster that awaits all of us who live in Western Europe.
It is also important for all to realise that this is and will be a continuing issue whichever way the Brexit vote will go.

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