Leadership contests: a growing national pastime.

As nominations for candidates to replace Nigel Farage are invited and as Mrs Andrea Leadsom appears to be continuing with the surreal strategy of scoring her opponent’s goals for her (http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/being-a-mother-gives-me-edge-on-may-leadsom-0t7bbm29x), Ms Angela Eagle the member for Wallasey has announced that she will stand against Comrade Corbyn for the leadership of the Labour Party (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36753769).
It seems that leadership elections are becoming a popular national activity!
Ms Eagle is performing a great service to the nation by doing this as this should mean the country is going to find itself with a new Prime Minister and also either a new leader of Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition contest at around the same time or have the present leader’s authority reconfirmed.
The British Gazette earnestly hopes that Labour’s present leader, Comrade Jeremy continues in office and that Ms Eagle’s leadership hopes are thwarted. Why?
Because it is in the national interest that Comrade Jeremy remains leader. Whilst Comrade Jeremy remains in post the chances of a decapitation pact between Labour and the Liberal Democrats is effectively off the table.
The most important thing is to see to it that Brexit is not derailed.
Over the course of the next few months we could well see some very dramatic and serious developments – on the continent of Europe. The Eurozone crisis could come to a head with the were Deutsche Bank AG to collapse. Such an event would be hugely costly and damaging to the economy of Germany and other Eurozone economies. Because so much of the UK’s trade is associated with the Eurozone the UK economy will be badly affected. The UK is still currently a member of the EU and would be asked to stump up some money. The result will be dramatic changes to the EU and the Eurozone. This of course will be a huge opportunity for the UK to secure a “Diamond Deal” – the best deal which could be offered to the UK is this: that those states that are currently members of EFTA and the EEA – Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway – in a single market (officially referred to as the “Internal Market”) be freedom from the requirement to accept the principal of Free Movement of People from a particular date in the near future. That this agreement would guarantee the rights of those persons from other EEA nations already resident in those countries and thus it would not be retroactive. That the UK would therefore be able to move from EU membership to EFTA/EEA membership and for the government to implement the much touted (by Nigel Farage) “Australian style points based system”.
The importance of this to UK politics is obvious: a British government could deliver what most voters who voted Leave voted for: the ability to set is own immigration policy.
If the litigation vis-à-vis Article 50 submission takes it’s course we could well be looking at the Supreme Court giving it’s decision around the end of June 2017 and if legislation is required the end of 2017 for Article 50 is submitted.
A lot of behind the scenes negotiations will have taken place by civil servants and diplomats – but not politicians – during this time.
As to the political fallout of a victory by Comrade Jeremy?
A huge temptation for the new Tory PM to go to the country.

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