Just what planet does he think he is living on?

Zac_GoldsmithA couple of days ago Zac Goldsmith said: “….he would not be corrupted by power….” AND “….politics had to enter a new era of transparency and integrity to regain trust, including on green taxes….”
He went on insist that no new nuclear power stations would be built under a Tory government.
What else does he propose ? Well he wants to ban all plastic bags in supermarkets.
What else does he think ?
Well, on the subject of the media and “green issues” this: “….as long as the media remains completely, cripplingly, violently hostile to green talk and green solutions, I do not think politicians will really have the courage to grapple with this issue….”
Given the way the BBC and the other media are so sold on the idea that the planet is a risk from CO2, one has to ask, “What planet is Zac Goldsmith Living on ?”
Of course “green taxes” are going to find favour with such as Goldsmith. Consider the two houses below:
On the left we have a most desirable residence in the exclusive gated community that is St. George’s Hill, betwixt Weybridge and Byfleet. It was recently sold for £15,000,000. On the right we have a modest residence for sale at £150,000 – 1% of the price of the salubrious pile in St. Georges!
The plain simple facts of the matter are these:
Green taxes by their nature are REGRESSIVE. This means that they impact more on the POOR than on the RICH.
If Mr. Goldsmith gets his way and the country’s electricity is provided by thousands of windmills and electricity prices have gone through the roof, Mr. Goldsmith’s friends living in St. Georges Hill will not be badly affected because although the heating bills for the St. Georges residence shown are much more than the modest Stockport residence, these heating costs will represent a very much smaller percentage of the household disposable income than in the household income of the people likely to purchase the house in Stockport. Furthermore, in the event of power cuts – inevitable on a national supply based largely on wind power – Mr Goldsmith’s friends in the St. Georges residence will simply switch on the auxiliary generator set. Firms supplying such sets are doing good business in the Surrey millionaire belt. A diesel generator capable of supplying all the needs of the St Georges residence shown – running on “bio diesel” of course! – will cost in excess of £20,000 – an insignificant sum for Mr Goldsmith’s friends. A diesel generator to supply the some but not all the needs of the Stockport residence shown about £2,000. Probably a crippling sum for the good people who will buy the Stockport house.
But then, what do you expect from a Conservative politician ?

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