Not in control of events…………..……

The highly publicised proposed smoking ban in the gardens and other outside areas within the curtilage of licenced premises of Stasi Stammer’s oppressive regime has gained more publicity than his repressive sidekick Strict Mistress Cooper’s proposed re-introduction of the formal recording of “non crime hate incidents” (

A fine example of a “non crime hate incident” has been created by the Tory MP for Tatton, Esther McVey, aka Lady Davies. Her Ladyship has managed to embroil herself in controversy by the use of the iconic poem by Pastor Martin Niemöller to reference the smoking ban ( Lady Davies has shown herself to be a woman of fortitude as she refuses to apologise for the comment. Lady Davies went further and rejected that she was not ‘minimising the horrors of the Holocaust’.

With Stasi Stammer rapidly becoming less popular than Nicolás Maduro at a Donald Trump rally the UK is entering some uncharted waters. Which brings me to the use of “Old Glory” as today’s image atop the blog-post.

You see, the result of the US presidential election on Bonfire Night will have a gigantic impact on the UK’s politics. This because a Trump/Vance administration will change the economic and geo-political environment completely, unlike a Harris/Walz administration which will allow Stasi to continue with his repressive rule without “interference”.

You see, for once the British Brainwashing Commissariat has highlighted an important news story on it’s website, being Mr Musk’s X now banned in Brazil after a “disinformation row”!


This is a VERY important development! Thus because one can imagine Stasi Stammer and Strict Mistress Cooper seeking to do similar. The Brazilian government are seeking to levy a daily fine of R$ 50,000 (just over £6,000). This fine targets those using VPNs to access social networks and not the social networks themselves (

I can imagine Stasi seeking to regulate the use of VPNs as a crime reduction measure (to prevent paedophiles and other criminals from using such devices). There will be exemptions of course! Accredited journalists and news organisations and corporate users of the internet, along with such as health care professionals, academics, lawyers, financial advisers, scientists, researchers and teachers. This because Stasi and Cooper want to clamp down on the general cybersurfing public. I anticipate that the fine will be that of Level 3 on the standard scale ( and be a summary only “strict liability” offence.

This is why the result of the US presidential election is SO IMPORTANT!

IF Stasi and Cooper have put such a repressive measure on the statute book by Inauguration Day – Monday, 20 January 2025 – and it is a Trump/Vance administration, then Tuesday, 21 January 2025 is going to be a VERY BAD DAY in Whitehall!

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