Ask not for whom the bell tolls……………………

“For Whom the Bell Tolls,” the 1940 novel by Ernest Hemingway, popularised the phrase “Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.” That line is often interpreted to mean that sooner or later death comes for us all. The “death” I refer to is political popularity.

I have chosen to borrow from Hemingway as the title for this post about RFK Jr. dropping out and endorsing Trump because it will be the politics and happenings in the USA that will be the major influence governing the “Kneeler’s” first administration, that if the present political miasma at in the Palace of Westminster does not change – radically – will lead to a second administration after the next general election.

Predicting elections so far out (2028/2029) would seem a foolish thing but assuming the Two Party System is not replaced by Proportional Representation (a fairly safe bet) we with have the opposition to Labour split between Reform and the Tories and the Lib Dems if the Tories more to the right to try and pick up votes from Reform. This is likely to be the case even if Kneeler and his party become incredibly unpopular. This because Kneeler will likely be following his present strategy – appealing to one of his core voter bases, this being a “certain demographic”.

Expect him to legislate to allow 16 year olds the vote and possibly to extend the franchise

Both the Scottish and Welsh administrations have made changes to reduce the voting age and to allow foreign nationals to vote. If Kneeler copies this and given the different rates of increase/decrease of the numerous demographics within the UK these changes can only help Labour and hinder the other parties.

The reason why I have posted the YouTube video of RFK Jnr.’s speech (48 minutes duration) is because what Mr Kennedy says is very very important for the UK! This because IF Mr Trump wins following the election on Bonfire Night, Kneeler’s hopes for a smooth ride will have going up in the previous night’s flames!

This because the Trump administration will take a very dim view of Kneeler’s actions and may become interventionist in the sense of taking measures against the UK as a result.

You see, IF Mr Trump forces Ukraine to make a settlement with Russia AND withdraws from the military structure of NATO retaining only political membership (France did this in the last century) – renouncing Article 5 – the EU and the UK will have to face Russia without the material support of the USA! This will force Kneeler into making massive increases in defence expenditure – doubling it – which will mean more tax rises and more public spending cuts.

Given “Silly Mili’s” obsession with CO2, the UK economy will be hobbled.

I do not see a good outcome for this.

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