Hanging themselves with their own rope!

In the hypersensitive and draconian days we are now living in I suppose some police person somewhere in the UK might regard the title of today’s blog-post as and offence under the new Online safety Act (https://www.gov.uk/government/news/trolls-who-encourage-serious-self-harm-to-face-jail) or encouraging the suicide or attempted suicide of another person under Section 2 of the Suicide Act 1961!

So, at the risk of being “banged up” [NB: To my US readers – “banged up” does not mean what you are thinking it means!] in HMP Exeter, I draw your attention Dear Reader to this report (https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/eu-membership-grows-in-popularity-even-in-the-uk/) showing an increase in support for EU membership across Europe!

Doubtless “Stasi Starmer” and “Mistress Cooper” and their sidekick “Lame Brain Lammy” will be eagerly planning to put the UK into a much closer union with the EU. Contrary to what many in the Reform Party think the EU is not opposed to a new closer relationship with the UK but avidly in support of it! Their solution will be easily achieved as well: They will suggest that the treaty under which Northern Ireland is effectively governed by the EU – without any say – be extended to cover the rest of the UK (Great Britain)!

Given Mistress Cooper’s desire to turn the UK of 2024 into George Orwell’s dystopian vision of 1984 the supreme irony is this: That turning the UK into a vassal state of the European Union might be the least worst option for those such as the Sellafield employee, Mr Lee Dunn who appeared recently before Carlisle Magistrates’ Court to be handed an eight week stay in one of His Majesty’s prisons by District Judge John Temperley (https://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/24513379.sellafield-worker-jailed-sharing-offensive-facebook-posts/).

This because – irony of irony’s – the protections of Freedom of Expression under the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the associated pan European court – afford a measure of protection not to be found outside the Human Rights Act on our own statute book!

What this triumvirate of tyrants might end up creating is a situation where the EU swings avowedly to the “Far Right” and thus “Kneeler” may find himself having to kneel to such as Frau Doktor Alice Weidel MdB co-leader of Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) in the not too far distant future!

By contrast of course, as the chance of Ms Harris becoming the next POTUS increases, the tyrannical triumvirate will be less worried about the nightmare (for them) of Mr Trump becoming the next POTUS!

As the Chinese curse goes: “May we live in interesting times!”

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