Fantasy politics………

Above, a fantasy woman!

One of the developments noted by Dr. Richard North in his blog-post today ( is the presence of “Net Zero” and it’s concomitant commitments in the manifestos of both the Labour and the Conservative manifestos (as well as the Lib-Dem and Green ones).

In other words, the only two political parties that are likely to be in a position to send a politician to #10 Downing Street on 5th July 2024 have built their economic policy around a policy that will prove ruinous!

In ineptitude of their policy aims is staggering. They maintain that giant wind turbines in the middle of the North Sea and fields full of solar panels can serve as a significant basis for the UK’s electricity supply and that ground source heat pumps are an affordable and adequate answer for the UK’s housing stock and that “EVs” powered by lithium batteries that have an inherent fire risk should replace the mature technology of ICE vehicles and that billions should be spent adapting the national grid to enable this.

This is insanity writ large!

Political pundits speculating about a Labour government with a super-majority will be in power for at least two terms (to 2034?).

IF he is to avoid crashing the economy, Sir Keir Starmer (or his successor) will have to adjust their policies. His problem being that a whole generation of youngsters are convinced about the dangers of CO2!

Labour will be hoisted by their own petards!

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