The pendulum swings like the pendulum do! Really???????????????

Above, Robert Trelford McKenzie (11 September 1917 – 12 October 1981) was a Canadian professor of politics and sociology, and a psephologist (one who does statistical analysis of elections). He is perhaps best known in Britain as one of the main presenters of the BBC’s General Election programmes (

It is generally assumed by the mainstream media that the UK 2024 General Election is “done and dusted” and is all over – bar the voting!

That the Labour Party will gain an overwhelming majority and that the Conservatives will be reduced to little over 100 MPs (or even below 100) is a given.

Submitting the following results:

Conservative 20%

Labour 47%

Liberal Democrat 13%

Green 10%

Reform UK 10%

to this website (

I got the following results:

Labour 425

Conservative 123

Liberal Democrat 35

Reform UK 0

Green 1

SNP 45

Plaid Cymru 1

I would suggest that Clacton is chalked up as win for Reform UK and thus the Conservative’s numbers are reduced by one!

In his blog-post today (, my friend Dr. Richard North is of the opinion that the polls may be very wrong and are not projecting what might take place on 4th July 2024.

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