The Dripping Tap strategy.


The Wikipedia article ( states that “Drip Marketing” was invented in 1992 by Bill Persteiner and Jim Cecil. I doubt it. Wikipedia describes “Drip Marketing” as “……a communication strategy that sends, or “drips,” a pre-written set of messages to customers or prospects over time……”

The FACT of the matter is this: Drip Messaging Strategy has been used by the “Powers That Be” since time immemorial! It takes three forms, Static, Dynamic and Mixed (which in the 21st Century is called “Hybrid”). Static is where the message is constant over time, Dynamic is where the message is changes over time and Mixed/Hybrid is where parts of the message is changes over time whilst parts of the message remain constant over time. Moreover the strategy can itself transition (another word popular now!) over time so the messaging can start off as static or dynamic then transition to mixed/hybrid before finally ending up as dynamic or static. Furthermore the strategy can be co-ordinated with the same strategy employed differing messaging programmes – in other words linked and co-ordinated drip messaging.

It is the firm opinion of this particular raving lunatic that mankind has been subjected to linked and co-ordinated drip messaging since 1947. It started with the “Roswell incident” ( in the northern hemisphere summer of 1947. I believe that the whole “Climate Change”/“Anthropogenic Global Warming” issue is fully linked and co-ordinated and “part and parcel” of the same strategy.

That this strategy should be “Worldwide” or “Global” to use 21st Century terminology again is logical; this because despite their vast ideological and political differences, the governments of the world share certain things in common. They all want to remain in power! None want to loose control! These are two things that past experience (on this planet) have demonstrated to be the first causalities of “First Contact”.

Mention “First Contact” and many people think of the laughable scene in one of the Star Trek movies of aliens called “Vulcans” meeting humans for the first time! The idea that creatures evolved on a different planet – even “Earth Like” – will look or be like us is too ridiculous for words.

“First Contact” however has taken place in the past on Planet Earth. Not between aliens from another planet but other humans. And in most cases has ended disastrously! You can bet your bottom Dollar/Euro or GB Pound that the world’s leaders are fully aware of this fact!

As a result they have been “following a communication pathway” (I’m being very 21st Century about this aren’t I!) aimed at adapting their populations over time to experience/witness “First Contact” without rapid societal collapse.

I believe that there are many clues that this has, is and will carry on. Many are subtle and not really noticeable, or if noticed a connection is not made. A glaring one is the use of the words “humans” and “humanity” which have displaced “people” and “mankind”. The words “world” and worldwide” have been replaced with “planet” and “global”.

Of course the most powerful evidence is contained in the whole “Climate Change”/“Anthropogenic Global Warming” issue. As the excellent Doctor Richard North in his blog Turbulent Times ( has opined, the UK’s “Net Zero by 2050” strategy is, if maintained, going to be economically and politically suicidal!

However: Should “First Contact” occur on or just before then, the biggest paradigm shift since the day the meteorite collided with the Earth and wiped out the dinosaurs will have taken place.

Bearing all this in mind, I have turned my attention to this: Assuming that there does exist a highly advanced extraterrestrial civilisation living on a planet orbiting another star and they have sent craft to visit Earth, what are their intentions?

It could indeed be “scientific”. After all, if mankind (I know, I’m being politically incorrect!) had developed “warp drive” (to use the “Star Trek” term) and has sent a “starship” to another planet orbiting another star the purpose would be “scientific”. Just as when mankind sent craft to the planets Venus and Mars in our own solar system.

Mr Musk and his friends excepting, none of us have plans to live on these planets!

Let us press on with our hypothetical pondering. What do we (mankind) do when our craft visit other planets? Bring back samples for study of course! Indeed, when explorers in the past on Earth visited other parts of the world on voyages of exploration they brought back examples of life and objects with them. Life included animals, plants and of course people!

It could very well be the case that any aliens visiting Earth would want to do the same!

This need not be dystopian. Many of course fear just this. Many are of the opposite opinion and look forward to a utopian outcome!

Of course, many will be of the opinion that if asked (by the Earthly “powers that be”) to volunteer to become such a “specimen” the average person would recoil in horror at such a request and that the governments would have to coerce and compel people into becoming “specimens”!

I am not of that opinion! We may like to call our politicians fools but in reality they are not! I would go so far as to say a possible problem will not be lack of volunteers but a surplus! That far more human beings will volunteer to be “specimens” than the aliens would want or have capacity (on their planet/planets) for!

As evidence one only has to look towards the Straits of Dover to witness thousands of desperate migrants seeking a new life in Dear Old Blighty! The FACT of the matter is this: Life in many countries is miserable or worse, dangerous!

Then of course there are those persons that the world’s governments would dearly like to be rid of. The reasons why a person would be someone that a particular government would want “rid of” would of course vary with the regime. In Taliban controlled Afghanistan it would be any person who is not a Sunni Muslim! In North Korea it is anyone who does not worship the leader as a god!

In the UK and USA it is likely to be the following:

– The elderly and sick who cannot afford private healthcare.

– Those with aliments and medical conditions that cannot be cured or are expensive to cure or care for.

– Poor and workless people on welfare payments.

– Criminals.

– Awkward people (such as your Editor!)

I am not being sarcastic! The opportunity to empty the hospitals and vacate the GP surgeries across the UK along with the enormous cost of medicines will transform the UK’s public expenditure. FACT: People are like cars! A new car will occasionally experience minor problems early on because someone along the line has been a bit of an idiot. Once fixed, that car will go on to provide trouble free motoring up to and shortly after it’s MOT. It is mostly when the car gets old and has done many miles that the problems occur. Eventually the car reaches a state where the only viable options are the scrapyard (most cars) or the “classic car enthusiast” – a person who spends vast amounts of money and time on restoring a broken down rust bucket to better than new condition – called concours plus plus!

The way a UK government could slash the cost of running the NHS is to slash the need for it! Healthy young people have little need of it! Unhealthy old people have very great need of it!

Then we have the criminals! Ken Clarke himself said that there are no votes in prisons! What he meant was that any money spent on prisons could not be spent on other things – the aforementioned NHS for example! Ask the average voter where they would like to see some extra money spent, 99.999% would opt for the NHS over prisons!

Criminals – even violent ones – would not be a problem for the aliens! The most likely solution would be a lobotomy but instead of leaving the connections of the prefrontal cortex severed, they would be reconnected via an AGI (artificial general intelligent) implant that would control (or be able to control) the individual. This of course would make such a person the perfect slave!

I’ve got a nasty feeling that the aliens would want to perform such a procedure on any human they take! Not necessarily to turn them into biological automatons or “zombies” but as a safety measure – a sort of emergency over-ride circuit! Just in case! It would also serve as a communication link. This because it is one thing to learn a foreign language – even if very different. But when a Japanese person learns English or an English person learns Japanese at least both (English person and Japanese person) have mouths and vocal cords!

Given the UK’s ageing population, I can see why a UK government would be enthusiastic about “First Contact”!

Of course, one of the problems of previous (Earthly) “first contacts” was epidemiological! The Spanish (and others) took their communicable diseases with them over which the native people’s had no immunity and died in vast numbers as a result. The Roman Catholic Spaniards put it down to the natives not being Christians! That the Spanish state has not formerly renounced and apologised for this is a stain on that nation.

Of course, HG Wells in his famous novel, “War of the Worlds” put this as the cause of the failure of the Martian invasion. In reality of course, any highly advanced alien civilisation capable of “warp drive” would be aware of the epidemiological issue and would have taken measures to deal with this. This is another piece of evidence – in my opinion!

It MIGHT be the case that COVID-19 and the vaccines will have been part of a worldwide strategy of immunising mankind against the effects of contact with ETs and other lifeforms on other planets and in addition, ensuring that mankind did not bring any diseases that could affect the ETs themselves!

It MIGHT be the case that COVID-19 and the vaccines were insufficient and that there may be other such outbreaks in future. Which would explain the World Health Organisation’s new treaty!

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