A Bridge Too Far?

The first casualty of war is the War Plan. The second casualty is the truth. I am not going to speculate upon the details of the attack on the Kerch Strait Bridge. Suffice it to say there are two good sources below:

GOTO: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/08/world/europe/ukraine-crimea-bridge-explosion.html

GOTO: https://www.turbulenttimes.co.uk/news/front-page/ukraine-a-terrorist-incident/

As to what is following on from the attack, one cannot fail to be concerned about Russian statements attributing responsibility in part to the UK and the USA.

It is to be hoped that tomorrow Monday 10th October is an uneventful day. It should be noted that 65 years ago the disastrous fire at Windscale occurred (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windscale_fire).

On that date in 1980 Algeria experienced the powerful El Asnam earthquake (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_El_Asnam_earthquake) and in 2018 Hurricane Michael (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Michael) struck the US coast.

Oh, and in the most inappropriately named country on Earth, the “Democratic People’s Republic of Korea” (DPRK) [it is not democratic, it is not a “Peoples” republic but an absolute monarchy with the acronym DPRK standing for, “Despotic Personal Realm of Kim [the Korean custom is surname before given name such as Rogers Peter] it is “Party Foundation Day” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_Foundation_Day).

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