3 months and 15 days is very long time in politics……. Whatever side of the North Atlantic one is on!

Above, Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum 8 inch barrel “Dirty Harry” revolver.

Mention the USA to a non US citizen and often certain things come to mind. The enormous amount of legally held privately owned firearms is one! In fact the iconic Smith & Wesson Model 29 .44 magnum made famous in the “Dirty Harry” movies is one of the most popular handguns in the USA.

On a political level, the enormous costs involved for US election campaigns plus the astonishing length of the campaigns is something that causes the USA to be an outlier as other democracies settle their elections in a fraction of the time – to wit, the recent UK general election.

Much has happened in the USA since last I covered the US election. For a start, my last post (https://british-gazette.com/voting-for-an-early-christmas/) could have been briefly followed by a “last post” from a US Marine bugler sounding over a sombre Washington DC. had Mr Trump not turned his head at precisely 6:11PM (local time)!

In fact, my last post was not very well received by many BG readers as many are Trump supporters!

This post is aimed at my readers who are UK Citizens and support Trump:

Whilst I fully support the anti DEI calls which are now prominent in the USA – DEI standing for Discrimination, Exclusion & Indoctrination – and Trump’s Climate Realist agenda – the FACT of the matter is that Trump’s attitude towards NATO and the war in Ukraine is a matter of grave concern as it could threaten the security of Europe and the UK.

It is very much the case that many Americans from across the political spectrum are extremely irritated with the FACT that in terms of GDP the USA outspends most NATO members considerably. As a result US taxpayers feel exploited and ill used and Messrs. Trump & Vance reflect this.

The FACT is this: Whoever becomes US President on January 20th 2025, those NATO members not spending more (in therms of GDP) on defence than the USA will have to up their spend – a lot!

Senator Vance made a very good point however when he pointed out that modern artillery ammunition is complex to manufacture and very difficult to produce in large numbers and that NATO cannot afford (strategically) to lower it’s stocks too much.

The FACT is that whilst Russia is bogged down in Ukraine she will not be undertaking any military adventures elsewhere. It is of course essential that the conflict is not allowed to escalate to the point where NATO becomes embroiled and WW3 begins!

At some point there has to be a settlement however.

For NATO the best outcome would be one where Russian territorial gains are minimal and where the peace treaty allows Ukraine to join NATO and the EU.

Although I am a firm Brexiteer, it is of geo-political advantage that Ukraine join both these organisations.

Regime change in Moscow with a less warlike leader would be most welcome!

Many BG Readers are of the opinion that Trump is set to be the next US President. I think they are being somewhat over optimistic. Herewith: https://youtu.be/jAdVzwwv55M?si=iD-KPwuJa5GD95lp

Politics is a brutal business and one of the well know aspects about Vice President Harris is her laughter that can be embarrassing (for her) and also her word salads most famously her oft repeated “…….What can be….. Unburdened by what has been……..”

Ms Harris might have a problem:

Some people laugh nervously when they feel anxious. This can happen in high stress situations, such as a funeral or a court hearing. People with generalized anxiety disorder and other anxiety conditions may laugh in a wide range of other circumstances, too.

GOTO: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/inappropriate-laughter

GOTO: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13658931/Could-Kamala-Harris-mental-health-shaky-word-salads-laughing-inappropriately-sign-little-known-psychological-disorder-warn-experts.html

IF Ms Harris is a sufferer of a specific condition it would be best for this to be properly diagnosed and the public made aware of it. It will counter criticism for if she cannot help it there is an excuse and if it is not serious and manageable need not disqualify her from running. It will kill of speculation.

A Harris Presidency will be Oh so woke! Not to mention “climate friendly”! However, we can assume she will continue to support Ukraine. You see, whilst Americans will make their voting decision based on what is best for them and by extension the USA, looking on, I hope they decide on what is best for the UK!

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