Method in his madness. Above, Linda Lusardi – who is now just past her fifth decade. In the Scottish play (Act 2 Scene 2),…
Call me Mister Rogers! One of the things that irritate me is the almost universal use by businesses when communicating with one is to…
In the feminist dog house – again! Today, my regular time on my computer varied from the norm. This because there was a “webcast” carried out by…
Well and truly up the creek! The BG has – to the not inconsiderable irritation of many of it’s readers has been critical of some aspects…
A question of credibility. Above, Jessie Landis and Cary Grant in the 1959 classic “North by Northwest”. North by Northwest is one of my…
Bugger All Divi! Happy we long suffering Lloyds Bank shareholders are NOT! The bank’s results have been OK given the outbreak of The…
Experience required. One of the things I like to maintain about the BG website is it’s speed of loading (on the Reader’s…
Coronavirus: Cutting to the chase. NB: To the feminists – of both sexes – the above photo IS germane and relevant to the text below.…
Real politic: When fantasy meets reality. Doctor North sums up the EU’s situation most succinctly in the last sentence of his blog-post today ( when he…
Who do you think you are kidding Mrs Merkel? Notwithstanding the humour present in the above image, the dispute over the supply of COVID-19 vaccines is the most potentially…