I Rat! I’ve long been a fan of science fiction. One of the best authors is the late Isaac Asimov (1920 –…
Arriving unexpectedly! Our vicar is a man of his time. As are we all – women included. Vicars have a habit of…
¡No esta permitido! The above flag would be something that Heralds would refuse to sanction. This because they will refuse any achievement of…
Good news about the black horse! Yesterday, I received some very good news. A friend’s daughter who is a charity worker in Calcutta has managed to…
Mum would have been pleased and relieved. Yesterday the post-person (this is 2021) pushed two items of mail through my letterbox. Due to the self imposed anti-COVID…
The Washington Naval Treaty 2022? Above a line drawing the the cancelled G3 battle-cruiser for the Royal Navy. NB: Click on the image for a…
The Rain Check. If you are a native English speaker lining within the “Anglosphere” you have an interesting choice of languages presented to…
The War of Jenkins' Arm? Will history repeat itself? “More than 25 million people in the UK have received their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine….” states the UK…
Predicting the future. Today is St. Patrick’s Day and unlike my native Leeds – that has a large Irish diaspora – St. Patrick’s…
WARNING! Wolf whistling will soon be a criminal offence!!!!! Towards the end of Friday’s post below http://www.british-gazette.co.uk/2021/03/12/call-me-mister-rogers/ I commented upon gender differences in relation to body image psychology. The…