To buy or not to buy? That is the question… (Our apologies to Shakespeare!) I own shares in five PLCs all quoted on the London Stock Exchange. From Monday 18th March 2019 four of…
Brexit: L'acte final! This organ has repeatedly described the events surrounding the EU (In/Out) Referendum and the Brexit process as “un grand coup…
Mayhem in Grimsby! As a northerner, I know the town of Grimsby well. One – if not the – most prominent feature/s of…
Brexit: Going round in circles! via GIPHY For Attorney General Cox, these Brexit “non-negotiations” must be like banging one’s head against a wall. Only pleasant…
An international laughing stock. Today is Ash Wednesday. “Ashing” has a long history and pre-dates Christianity. The Good Lord referred to the practice in…
It's pancake day! In the absence of any actual Brexit developments other than the all pervasive “white noise” by the MSM most typified…
Keep it sane and sensible! Above, a young woman who describes herself as an “escort” and who trades under the name of “Saskia”. The meaning…
Life on Mars. Above, the red planet. As I type this text, I look over the 28 inch flat screen monitor and see…
Please Sir! It wasn’t me. It was him! Tomorrow at 11:15AM I’ll turn up at the local C of E church and attend the service. Sitting in the…
Lookout Grieve reports: “Iceberg sighted at two cables dead ahead Mam!” First Mate Hammond: “Shall we turn hard to starboard or port Mam?” Master Mayhem: “Maintain course and speed! The iceberg…