In office but NOT in power! If you possess or have in the past possessed a driving licence Dear Reader, the above image will be/have been…
Brexit: Rigging the vote! Life can be a messy business at times. We live in an imperfect world. Things go wrong! As ever, our…
Lloyds Bank: Some good news! Yesterday, it was announced by Lloyds Bank that it would be paying it’s dividends quarterly commencing fiscal year 2020-2021. Taken…
Broken politics: Time for a change! Westminster voting intention: LAB: 27% (-7)CON: 25% (-13)BREX: 16% (+15)LDEM: 15% (+7)GRN: 7% (+3)UKIP: 3% (-4)CHUK: 2% (-) via @IpsosMORI,…
Brexit: Simples! One of the keys to running a successful business is a successful sales campaign. That motivational poster; “Customers make pay…
Brexit: A cacophony of codswallop. Above, one of the most famous shots of the actress Raquel Welch in the 1966 movie, One Million Years B.C.…
Greta Ernman Thunberg: The £742,275.45p (as of 11:30AM today) question! Above, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg speaking at the session “Preparing for Climate Disruption” at the World Economic Forum in…
A Happy St George's Day: From Google! Above, Google’s “doodle” for today inserted into an aerial shot of Cape Cornwall. Well I suppose we must be grateful…
Ever-present evil. The devil it seems does not take a rest. Those who incited and organised the mass murderers into committing suicide…
Just another Sunday! A Christian: Hallelujah! He has risen! Google’s CEO: Err… Who’s He? The search engine “Google” has become so common, so…