The Referendum Pantomime: Getting dangerous. There will be many readers who will suggest that this organ is being unnecessarily alarmist when it asks this question:…
SCUM: Self-serving, Cowardly, Untrustworthy, Mendacious. Above, pond scum. Defined as, a mass of filamentous algae that form a usually greenish film on the surface of…
Speaking the TRUTH unto the Nation and the World! Above a Chinese report on the competition to become a flight attendant in China. In the six years, two months…
The sad case of Mr and Mrs King. Above, a 1934 pattern Enfield service revolver. In the news recently has been the tragic circumstances for a married couple…
Happy New Year! Except Brussels and Gaza where it is cancelled! Above, fireworks over Sydney Harbour Bridge. The Aussies always put on a fantastic fireworks display. Sadly, the prospect of some…